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Claimed:Talking about the Draft [Final 6/6]


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Hello and welcome. My name is Thomas Duddy and I will interview myself about the upcoming Draft as well as some other stuff. With the Draft coming up in just a few days, it’s the perfect time to do an old school interview.




“How do you feel about the upcoming Draft?”



It’s exciting. I mean, it’s the big event that we’re all here for. Aside from playing in the VHL, I guess. This is where we start our careers and I personally can’t wait to see where I’ll end up. Maybe I even go back to Bern, who knows. It will be an exciting event.



“Will you attend the Draft or just stay home and sleep?”


I will attend the Draft, no doubt in my mind. I mean, this is my first and only VHLM Draft, so I've got to attend to feel the vibe and the excitement of the teams, prospects and fans.



“Have you had a chance to meet some of the other prospects?”


Not really, since I don’t care about them. A lot of them like to talk, but in the end the only thing that matters is me kicking their ass out on the ice.




“If you could pick the team that drafts you, what team would it be and why?”


I really don’t care. I mean, I barely know anything about the teams or the league. I know Bern and the GM there and that’s it. So I have no list of teams that I would like to play for. Draft me and you get the best of Thomas Duddy that you can get. No matter if you’re Bratislava or Yukon or Bern or Saskatoon. 



“Do you see yourself as the top pick of the Draft?”


No doubt. I’m better than the rest of the class and I’ll prove it once we get out on the ice. Any team that would be stupid enough to pass on me is going to regret it. I’m the total package; I’ll bring it on and off the ice. You can put my face on any piece of merchandise it will sell; my jersey will be sold out all the fucking time. Your team has attendance problems? Sweat no more. Duddy is coming and will fill the arena with fans. 



“You’re pretty full of yourself, eh?”


Yeah, if I don’t believe in myself, nobody else will as well. I know my abilities when it comes to hockey, so I’m not too worried about not delivering.



“What would you say are your biggest strengths?”


Well, I’m a goal scorer, so I’d say my shot is pretty damn good. Hitting the twine has never been that big of a problem for me. No matter if it’s wrist or slapshot, I get both off pretty quickly and both of them are pretty deadly as well. Not to mention I also play defense when the team needs me too. I’m a threat in all areas of the game. I will outskate you, take the puck away from you and on top of that I will take it back up the ice and score on you.




“Thanks for that enlightening interview.”


You’re welcome.




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