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Claimed:A Night Out With Billy Talent, and Niklaus Mikaelson [FINAL 6/6]


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A Night Out With Billy Talent, and Niklaus Mikaelson


It is very rare to hear about celebrity musicians giving away tickets to their concerts to other celebrities. Yesterday it happened though. The band Billy Talent, gave Pablo Escabar two backstage passes to their concert in Ottawa for that night. The guys told Pablo he could take who ever he liked to the show, afterwards they would hang out. Pablo did not have to decide who to talk at all. Mrs. Escabar was at home sick and unable to attend. A phone call was made and answered very quickly.

Pablo had his friend tag along for the night of their lives. Pablo's friend, Niklaus Mikaelson was just as excited to get one last time with his friend before the season started. The night started off with the two of them going out and buying the most classy suits they could find. The boys had to go out being the most fancy guys at the Canadian Tire Center. After they picked the perfect suits in Toronto, they had to jump in the car and get to Ottawa as soon as they possibly could. They managed to get there in record timing.

Pablo Escabar and Niklaus Mikaelson looking classy.

A few hours later, Pablo and Niklaus got their drink on. They were pounding beers like they were bottles of water. The arena had the most smooth and excellent brands to clench the thirst. When they started feeling great, the concert had started and they were front row. It could not get anymore cereal for them. The bass was bumping, and the drums were thumping. They were perfectly in sync with the crowd jumping. As the show continued on, they were dancing with beautiful girls and getting numbers like nothing. The ladies were lining up to dance them. Pablo and Niklaus were taking care of the girls being the pimps they are, but after a while they got into some shots and had to get in the mosh pit. What is a concert without one, of course.

Pablo and Niklaus, rocking out!

After the show, the two Victory Hockey League stars made sure they went right back stage. They had to tell the boys that their show was off the chain. Billy Talent was still hyped from the show themselves and were jumping all around giving each other high fives. The minute they noticed Pablo and Niklaus were in the room, they poured shots of 1952 whiskey to make a toast for a awesome performance by them. Almost immediately they poured another for Pablo and Niklaus coming out for their show and partying afterwards. After a few more weird toasts, they all hoped in a limo and went straight to Montreal. Montreal was only a hour or so away, but it had a lot more classy night clubs and bars. The last place they had to stop at was Niklaus' favorite place, Chez Parée.
They spent hours there, having a awesome time, buying dances for themselves and the band.

The next morning Pablo and Niklaus woke up in Pablo's house not knowing how they got home or when they got home. Billy Talent must have drove them home in the limo and then went to their hotel room. Pablo had a crazy head ache that made him hold his fore head, like Harry Potter does whenever Voldemore was close. Pablo started his morning with a real greasy McDonalds breakfast with a green tea and a bunch of extra strength Advil. This is where most people would say in their life, I am never drinking again. Pablo is a little different though, his response was, so who is coming out next weekend and what is our plans!

(627 words, 2/3 Doubles point task)

Edited by Mr. Escabar
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Content: 3/3 - I liked it a lot. Unique idea for an article, and it kept me entertained throughout. Well done!


Grammar: 2/2 - Just a few small things here, mostly a/an mixups. Solid for the most part.


who ever = whoever

a awesome = an awesome

a hour = an hour

must have drove = must have driven


Presentation: 1/1 - Lots of pictures, works for me.


Total: 6/6

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