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VHLSC: S43 Rankings #3 - "Who Are You?"


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Welcome back everyone to yet another rankings article and a week filled with great movement in our charts. We were blessed to see a lot of prospects improve themselves this week and put some effort into their draft stock. That right there enabled us to bring out our new feature, the brand new TPE Gained category. This area is pretty self-explanatory but we will explain it regardless. The category is filled with the amount of TPE (Total Points Earned) that prospect has gained within the said week. You'll notice some of the totals are above the capped number our league allows. It's important to note that prospects have a lot more options open to them in regards to earning TPE and that is why you may see above 9/10 TPE in the final column. 


Moving on to the juicy details of the rankings board, we find many new storylines. New additions in Dennis Saad, Erik Hedman and the grandmaster himself MC Hammer have all joined the rankings as newly declared draft prospects. Adding to the fire of stories is our biggest TPE gainer Francis York Morgan who rose to the fourth position on the rankings. Pablo Escobar also rose quite a bit, four spots exactly to the eighth position on the rankings with a great week. Kewl Runnins did not jump eight spots, we just put that in there because double checking is not our forte.




It is still disappointing to see that at the end of our rankings we have almost a dozen prospects who have not even shown up to practice once. At this stage through the history of rankings we can't pin that on the VHLM General Managers but more at the desire of said prospects. In the future we hope to right this area of the rankings and make sure every prospect has at least done a little bit of practice.


This past week we asked our prospects who they looked up to when they were growing up as a young adolescent. We also lumped that question with another one about how hockey game to be in their lives. A lot of young players pick up the sport through the craziest of circumstances and others have it pass down from the previous generation or siblings. We took to their locker rooms to find the answers and get more insight on which prospects are from where and what their back stories are!





Thank you to all prospects who did return the VHLSC message and gave us the chance to get to know you a bit more and a little of your story. We hope you enjoyed this issue and make sure to check out the VHLM Practice Facility and VHLM Training Camp to ensure you gain max practice hours! Also be sure to compete in both the VHL and VHLM Fantasy Zones where your correct guesses can help you gain some TPE on the side. We apologize to Matt Damon, we ran out of time, until next week folks!

Edited by Kendrick
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