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The Wise Words of Doomsday


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I have spoken to a great many people on this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I talk occasionally is Doomsday. He's a pretty cool guy. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article.


“Right now, you're used to waking up early for school and stuff like that so when you're scheduling classes, you're going to think that the 8 AM classes aren't so bad, you got this wrong. Don't be fooled, they suck.” I’m up at 6:30 for school every day. He’s right, it sucks big time.

“Find clubs or groups that look fun to you. Get involved on campus and you'll get to meet people and make friends.” Good advice, and everyone’s giving it. When you get involved in things that interest you, you’ll meet other people with similar interests and make friends. That’s what they say, at least.

“If you're in a dorm, try to meet the people living there too. If you're going to have a roommate that you don't know, get in contact with them ahead of time. Get to know them, figure out what they have and don't have for the dorm so you guys can make moving day easier by not bringing stuff you don't need.” Very important. They’ll be living around you for at least a semester, so you should probably get to know them. And nobody wants all sorts of extra stuff floating around, it would get in the way. I think.

“Don't skip classes. It's awesome to have that power, but at the same time, by skipping classes, it forms a really, really bad habit. And at some colleges the professors will dock you for missing too many classes.” This applies at every level, really. Someone’s paying good money for you to attend those classes, you should make the most of it.

“Try not to go home every weekend. Stay on campus, get to know it and make friends there.

You'll also get more acclimated to it quicker as well.” Definitely a good idea. As my father says, “How can we miss you if you won’t go away?”

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