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Claimed:Ruutu meets the press [Final 6/6]


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Local press has gathered inside the Ottawa Lynx home arena to hear what Ruutu and the Ottawa Lynx has to say about the recent events that took place few nights ago in front of a local drinking hole.  
Ruutu:First i would like to apologise from the fans , Lynx organization and from everybody else. I didn´t mean to cause any harm. The other guy just didn´t leave me alone. Accused me about something that i didn´t do.  I tried to settle the whole situation like a adult but the other guy just didn´t want to work with me at all. One thing led to another , he started to throw some heavy punches around. I managed to avoid most of them ,one of them hitted me on the shoulder and it´s like super sore still. I countered and punched the guy once in the face. I saw him fall dawn little bit and started running.   Well that´s that really. Situation over.
Interviewer:  What actually happened before the fight?
Ruutu: Nothing big really. Other guy saw me and my friends in front of the bar and started to yell about something how i stole his girlfriend , allegedly he saw some pictures of me and his girlfriend in facebook. I don´t even know who the guy is but he was clearly drunk.  I of course denied all the accusations and ignored him. Soon after he came right in front of me and pushed me.. basically challenged me to fight. I didn´t want to but at that point i didn´t have any other option. I tried to talk him out of it but just no. He was drunk.
Interviewer: So there´s nothing going on with you and his girlfriend?
Ruutu: Absolutely not.  I mean i tried to make some moves but she turned me down. I even bought her flowers but nothing. We changed numbers etc but nothing really happened. She didn´t tell me that she is in a relationship currently. Sent her the mandatory pictures of my genitalia in multiple angles but i waited at least 3 days before i did that. Some girls are just hard to impress i guess.
Interviewer: Flowers? What kind of flowers?
Ruutu: Red roses.  I don´t play around bro. Only the best for my potential girlfriends. Once again , nothing happened. Im a hockey player,that´s my job. I know we are under pressure from the public and press. We must act like true professionals on and off ice. 
Interviewer: Any comments from Ottawa Lynx organization?
Ottawa Lynx spokesperson:  Well , we are of course unhappy that these events happened and we have started our own investigation that might see Ruutu lose some of his wages and even potentially watch some of the games from the stands but everything we have learned and heard so far from Ruutu and from everybody else who saw these events makes us belive that Ruutu was provoked. After trying to handle it like a true professional he had to defend himself and he did the right thing by running away after the agitator was on the ground
As far as im concerned , this press conference is now over. Ruutu has answered enough questions today. Thank you for coming.  
Edited by jRuutu
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Content: 3/3 - Great article. A bit of humour in there made it an enjoyable read.

Grammar: 1.75/2 - There's a bit of mistakes here, but I can't knock it too much. I have to take a little off though.


"that took place few nights ago" - place A few nights ago

"First i would like" - I needs a capital letter. This happens multiple times in the article.

"apologise from the fans , Lynx organization and from everybody else." - apologize TO the fans, Lynx organization and TO....

"like a adult" - like AN adult. If the word after "a" begins with a vowel(a,e,i,o,u), then you use "an".

"hitted" - Hit. Hitted is not a word.

"I saw him fall dawn little bit and started running.  " - fall DOWN A little bit

"facebook." - Facebook needs a capital, as it's a name

"Im a hockey player," - I'm. It is shortened from "I am", so it needs an apostrophe.

"belive" - believe

Appearance: 1/1 - Good!

Overall: 5.75/6

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