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Meute celebrating win over New York.


With the semifinals of the season forty two playoffs ending, the Cologne Express and the Quebec City Meute will be facing off against each other for the Continental Cup. Both teams had tough opponents in the semifinals, both series went to a game seven. Cologne has to battle through Stockholm and then move on to the Titans. Brookside was a huge factor in the win for the Express, the Meute had a buy in the first round so they had to wait for their opponent. The Americans as expected steam rolled the Legion and moved on to the Meute, it was a tough one for the Quebec team as they fell down three to two in the series. But they battled back and won two straight and took the series from the New York team, depth goal scoring and Waldron gave the Meute a chance at beating the New York team that took them out in the season forty one.

Edited by Mr.Chevy
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