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Claimed:Ruutu in NY [Final 5/6]


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Season 43 VHL entry draft finished little while ago. Ottawa Lynx powerforward , Jorma Ruutu got drafted on the first round! 8th overall! Not bad from a player who barely could skate 4 years ago. He was easily the worst skater on ice back then but hard work and dedication made him above average skater, which is not that bad taking into consideration his size. Season 44 will more than likely be last for Ruutu in VHLM but it´s a extremely important season. You can really make some serious improvements or you can easily ruin your changes to get into VHL but if things go as planned , Ruutu will be seen in New York after season 44.
We here in Women´s Health decided to ask Ruutu to come over to New York and give us a interview, he said yes! Few days ago he came over and here are the results...
Good morning Jorma Ruutu! Feeling tired? 
Ruutu: Good morning! Yeah , little bit. Got here late last night but luckily everything went smoothly. Could not sleep at all during the flight so i´m feeling quite tired indeed. Slept in total of 4 hours last night.
As you know , we are a womens magazine.. Tell us little bit about what you think about women?
Ruutu: In general ? Well i don´t hate them or anything.  I´m currently single but i think that´s a good thing. I don´t really have time for a relationship at the moment. 
What you mean ´´ You don´t hate them or anything´´ ?
Ruutu: I mean , i have nothing against them.  Females are usually the ones i dream about at night.  Unless we just played a game. Then it´s mostly me and the Lynx guys doing something.  I must admit that the dreams that i have about me and Lynx guys.. Are often more fun. 
Well that is great , i guess.  You have any female fans?
Ruutu: Some , mostly back in Finland but sometimes after games etc women approach me and ask a autograph. That is always nice.  Hopefully when i move to New York i can walk freely around the city.  In Ottawa it seems everybody knows who i am. Or at least they stare at me everywhere i go. Is it because i play for the Lynx or because my 70´s styled mustache? Who knows. 
Speaking of New York , you think you going to move here after this season?
Ruutu: Hopefully. It´s pretty much up to me at this point. If i keep on working hard and play well in VHLM. I´m sure i have pretty good change to play for the Americans.  I just need to improve steadily. I try to give my absolute best in each practice and game i play in.
We here in Women´s health magazine wish you all the best. Thank you so much for the interview. I know it was rather short one but this is a test article of some kind. If readers give us positive feedback , we might do more and bigger versions in the future. Thanks! 
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Content: 3/3 - Word count is good, over 500 words. Great interview, buddy.

Grammar: 1.5/2 - A bunch of easily correctable mistakes here. Maybe send it to a teammate first or a VHL member to check it over before you submit it next time? Just a suggestion.


"made him above average skater," - AN above average skater

"in VHLM but it´s a extremely" - in THE VHLM, it's AN extremely

"ruin your changes to get into" - chances

"so i´m feeling" - I'm (needs capital "i")

"Slept in total of 4 hours last night." - a total of 4 hours/ 4 hours in total

"i have nothing against" - I needs to be capitalized. This happens multiple times in the article.

"and ask a autograph" - ask for an autograph

"you think you going to move here" - you think you're going to move here

"pretty good change to play" - chance

"Women´s health magazine" - Women's Health Magazine. It's the title of a magazine, so it needs to be all capitalized

Appearance: 1/1 - Good!


Overall: 5.5/6

Edited by DollarAndADream
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Content: 3/3- Great interview based article. 


Grammar: 1/2- Just like DaD said making sure you read it over before submitting. It will help you out a lot.


Appearance: 1/1-  Good.


Final 5/6 

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