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Claimed:SVK [FINAL: 6/6]


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Effort:2/2 Yep

Looks:2.75/3 Everything looks pretty nice on this one. except for the lighting i dont like how it is all over the render, its a bit too intense on ovies helmet. Your stock work is fine and i like the text its a great sig!

Cretivity:1/1 Yep



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Effort: 2/2 - Yep.

Look: 2.5/3 - I agree with cuffy on the lighting. I think the font choice could be better and the stock work could go together better as well, maybe blur a layer or two and mess with blending modes a bit.

Creativity: 1/1 - Mhm.

Overall: 5.5/6

FINAL: 6/6

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