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Is anything happening? I still have one article sent in but for the last 3 weeks I've been doing PT's instead since no magazine has been released.

Would like to know what or when this will be picked up again, especially with this week being a doubles week ;) Need to make sure I get some points out of it.



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Yeah I can send you this fever.

And I don't see any kind of motivation by our team. Not everyone, but I don't think it's fair to make an edition with only 2 or 3 articles. We can still do this of course and hope that our edition will create some activity and interest.

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Otherwise feel free to add the article I also used as PT, as extra article:  http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/1550-prospect-watch-insert-your-name-here/

It's basicaly an article to get people to sign up to participate in my column, however only 1 person has pm'd me for it. So it might be handy in order to create more interest.


What we also could do is re-use PT's done by others that are VHLM related. If we use these articles, these person will be able to claim one extra tpe. Basically a 'freelance' writer.


Articles that could possibly be nice are:


- http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/2080-lynx-loaded-with-s36-talent/

- http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/1786-re-naming-the-vhlm-awards-part-2/

- http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/1095-dujuan-cook-suffers-amnesia/


Might be nice to fill up the magazine like that and make it a worthwile edition, while we still can claim our 13 points for this week with doubles week.

Then we would have atleast this:


2 articles from me (Prospect Watch: Sixten and request for interaction in the column)

1 article from fever


Not sure if you have received anything else?

Edited by Green
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I am still checking in here, in case anyone worried I disappeared. Just haven't been seeing anything posted so I've been doing a regular GFX instead of a cover. I feel like we gotta get back into our groove a bit. Once we get the rhythm back we'll be fine.

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