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The Eagle, The Englishman, Justin Bieber and The Finn.


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This is a random 10min story, reader discretion advised (dramatic voice says) Forgot to add, that this is based on a true story..

Once upon time (last night) there was a very bored Finn who had taken few beers. He was bored, but then suddenly the Eagle come out of nowwhere and told the Finnish guy wise words (that's what it felt like): "Come! Come my friend Come to play HAXBALL with us!" He sounded like a savior... in the end that wasn't the case. After telling that the Eagle had woken up the curiosity of the Finn. So, with a risk, the Finn joined Haxball. At first the Finn noticed that the Englishman was there too, it felt like a good time was ahead of our lovable and hated Finn. There was a wild chatting going in Haxball. Randomly, Justin Bieber popped up there too and some random DJ guy (the Finn has never ever heard about this guy). The Englishman, the Eagle and Justin Bieber made a very dymamic trio. The Finn felt like he was in the wrong place, but Eagle wanted him there, so why not? Then, the first game started... the Finn was confused and couldn't play the most boring game ever. "Kick the ball!" they said. I hate football, with passion! After the first 1v1, 2v3 match came. For a second that 2v3 was intense and enjoyable. But no, that isn't going to happen, you cannot enjoy this game! Yes, during the 3v3 match, the Finn left. Overall-wise the Eagle was dominating, he has been playing Haxball too much probably. The Englishman was just there trying his best. Bieber was probably lagging or something.

The Finn left with a feeling empty and strange. "I'm leaving", were his last words...

Edited by Ahma
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