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"I can almost seeeee it, that dream I'm dreaming but, there's a voice inside my head saying, you'll never reach it. Every step I'm taking, every move I make feels lost with no directions, my faith is shaking, but IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I gotta keep trying, gottaaaa keep my head held high"


When I took over at the helm of the Bratislava Watchmen, it would be very generous to say that we were not at all a competing team and were more or less in shambles and pieces. We had 2 active players, to which now we have numerous of players considered active. We went from being goalieless to having 3 active goalies play for us this season - one being a guy who I feel can carry us deep into the playoffs. I never expected our team to come out on top for the standings and always knew 2nd place would be our home, and I'm fine with that. It's the regular season. Playoffs are where it matters. The team that I have now, compared to then, is so much stronger with so much more depth. I believe it will be tricky with how strong Oslo has become too, but it CAN be done and we will do everything in our power to defeat Oslo and wreck what was otherwise an amazing season for them. After all, that's what it's all about.


This is our last year of really competing before the roster is blown to pieces and nothing is left. At the start of the year, I figured I owed it to my 2 boys that were active. It wasn't in my nature to roll over and die, especially that early. So we made a push and wherever we land, I hope they enjoyed the ride because I sure did. A lot of great guys in this LR so it is my mission to give them the best possible outcome.

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