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Claimed:Sit down with Kol Mikaelson [Final 6/6]


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With the VHLm draft just around the corner we here at TSN decided to have a little sit down interview with one of the brightest prospects coming in season 45. The VHLM has seen multiple talents come in and out of the league and blossom into the next level that is the VHL. Kol Mikaelson is and will be regarded as one of those talents. Standing tall at 6'6, Mikaelson does things with the puck that we haven't seen a guy with his size do in a long time. A lot of people like to compare him to the likes of Mari Lemiuex and after watching some  of his highlights those people may have hit the spot.


Are you looking forward to being drafted in the VHLM?

Yes of course I am. This is basically the first step in my career. My life will start as soon as I here my name announced and wear my first ever VHLM jersey. You know I had to choice between the SHL and the VHLM an I know most would go to the SHL as it is a lot more competitive but I took this root because of the potential in this league. We've also got solid stable managers here and I know that I'll be guided down the right path in the VHLM.

Any specific team you'd like to join?

The Ottawa Lynx. It's pretty simple really Ottawa is my hometown. If I could be able to play at home where I have my family and friends watching me that would be a dream come true. That isn't the only reason that I want to be a Lynx. I know the Lynx have been struggling recently in the VHLM and I would really like to bring them to the top.

Should Kol Mikaelson go first overall?

Kol Mikaelson should go anywhere the GM's think he should go.I'm not going to tell you that I should go number one overall in this draft. I'm always playing hard and if the GM's have watched me play and believe that I am a first overall pick type of talent than so be it. I'm very confident in myself and my game and whoever does draft me won't regret it.

You have an older brother who's already in the VHL. Has he given you any tips yet for the VHLM?

Ya Niklaus has given me a lot of tips and such. He's really told me more stories than tips to be honest. I'm really blessed to have an older brother that has already gone through what I am about to go through now. He already knows how I am and knows that I'll always be having my head up. I just wish he was in the VHLm so I could score some goals on him like I did back home.



What are your goals for your first season in the VHML?

I want to be the best player on the ice each and every night. I want to bring the championship to whatever team I am a part of and be able to lead them on and off the ice. I want to win, that's why we play the game. I'm not here to make friends I'm here to win the game. 

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Content: 3/3 - You look like a solid prospect. You'll probably go pretty high i'm assuming. If you keep it up you'll be a top prospect in no time. Good luck at the draft and this upcoming season!

Grammar: 2/2 - Some weird things
Lemiuex = Mario Lemieux (Pretty sure this is what you meant, if not ignore me)
as I here my = as i hear my
the SHL and the VHLM an I know = the SHL and the VHLM and (?? I think)
Appearance: 1/1 - Yes

Overall: 6/6

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