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Claimed:Girls are yucky [Final 6/6]


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JR , the holy man
That is the main reason why I have decided to wait until marriage before ramming my willy into one of them. Pretty much every single time I mention that, people look me like I´m crazy. Me being professional hockey player might have something do with it. They think that I´m not telling the truth or that I´m just trying to pick up ladies using some kind of advanced tactics.  
I´m not even that religious or anything. When I grew up , we rarely went to church or anything. Religion was not part of my life then and it´s not part of my life now either. I like the idea of waiting until marriage. Not sure why.  I guess I like to do things little bit differently than most people.  
As some of you know, good looking females like to hang around people who have lots of money. Professional hockey players are usually easy targets since we just like to have fun. Of course not all girls are after your money but having money makes it that much easier to find good looking females.  Quite often the females find you. It´s pretty great if you are looking for a relationship or little bit of fun. Not so great if you are trying to live your life like me.  
Quite few times I have just run away because some of these girls are really aggressive, they will not have no for answer. Some of them are extremely strong as well. Not sure what they do for living but goddamn they are strong. Not much you can do if one of those strong females want you. 
You can either go with it and let her dominate you or just run away. Running away is easier since you might get injured if you let the strong woman dominate you.  Of course you can injure yourself while running away but if you are a fast runner, you can easily get away from a intimidating situation just by running away.
Luckily those situations happen quite rarely but it´s always good thing to have a plan what you are going to do. Especially if you are single like me right now.  Finding someone who you really like is not easy thing to do. Sometimes you might have to run away in order to find true happiness. Who knows , maybe you find that special someone while trying to get away from a strong woman. Life is funny like that , never know what is going to happen. 
Anyway, I´m currently looking for that special someone, I´m not in a hurry to find a relationship  but I´m always keeping my eyes open.  Not so many girls out there who are willing to wait until marriage.  Or at least not many who are not religious. I´m not a huge religion fan so that is perhaps the biggest thing at the moment. Should I just accept some religion into my life in order to find that someone or just keep on looking ? We shall see what happens in the future. 
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Contract 3/3 - Oh my, sticking your willy into girls with cooties is not the best idea honestly. You don't know what they might be carrying... I hope you find your soul mate out there!


Grammar 2/2 - lookin' good! No complaints here.


Appearance 1/1 - Pictures and stuff, cool.


Final 6/6

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