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Gotta be Fresh


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I am still wondering why in the bloody hell am I attempting this “come back” like why in the fuck do this to myself? Why put myself through this shit? I guess this will be the theme of this come back “Why am I here?” If I don't fucking know then how you the fucking piece of shit moron reading this? I think my mission this time around is to find out why in the bloody fuck am I here. Why in the fuck am I wasting the little free time that I have on this shit? Funny thing is that I still can back out, I can still leave. I have not created my player (I can still leave after, not that I give a shit) But once I do my bio or something like that... I'm kind of invested in this so called “come back” So my mission is to find out exactly why in the hell am I back before Monday morning so I don't make a mistake and actually commit to this shit if I really don't want to. Why subject myself to all of you people that are lower then me? Why make all of you people that are already depressed (not all of you, just some) more depressed? Sure I get a kick out of being a wee bit of an arse. But even I won't do it if I get nothing out of it. I need that return that makes me laugh, that return that makes me come back for more. So... If I do not find my come backs purpose by Monday, well... I will either disappear or just wait till I figure out this whole come back shit.


Here are a few more idea's off the top of my head while watching Workaholics.


Is it that I want to start Fresh? No not “fresh” as in “hey guys I have changed please like me now” because the paragraph above clearly proves that I have not changed at all. By fresh I mean, it's a new come back. I want to make it different then any comeback that has ever been attempted. I believe my player is unique enough and ha a great story to give off the vibe of “fresh” but really is it that fucking simple? Is it really? I don't think so. Because if you knew me or heard of me, I am not simple, I don't like the “simple things” in life. I don't like to take the “easy” route. So why would I want to start fresh? It maybe a new and different come back but it's the same Robbie. So how different can it really be?


I already know the reason why I am here, but am using these to just kill fucking time to annoy people. Honestly most people who read this will point this out as the reason why I am here and writing these articles. I could have just simply came back Monday morning and said “back bitches” But it's not that simple and I'll tell you why it's not that simple, it's because it's what everyone is expecting. Everyone expects me to say that shit. So why in the fuck would I make it that obvious? Sure most of my trolling is obvious and I know it. That's what makes it so much fun and so funny that people still fall for it. They just make it easy. But if I already knew the reason why I am here, why would I mock people and do these? Why waste my time, my energy to pump these out. I never really was known for pumping out these articles day after day seven days a week. I'd maybe do three to four a week then get bored. There has to be something driving me forward and making me want to do this shit.


Last possible reason why I am back and doing this “comeback” is more or less the most simple of all the answers. Maybe it is because I am bored at times and can't figure out what to do when I have 1-2 hours at work when we sit around waiting for shit to do. Maybe just maybe mocking and doing the shit that I do is the thing that I just need to do to keep me from falling asleep. But come on, that's too fucking simple of an answer. Like come on! Robbie Fucking Zimmers coming back because he is “bored” at times during the day? COME FUCKING ON! There is no way in hell that this is the reason that I am returning.


That's it for tonight, but I will leave you with this nugget. Have you ever tried something that you knew would be unpleasant... just to fee what it was like? For example: touching something shocks you, eating bizarre food, touching something hot. If your answer was yes, consider what you just acknowledged: that even painful experiences can be worthwhile because it is just that... an experience!

Edited by KingRobbie
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