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Claimed:Talking with few reporter friends [Final 6/6]


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It has been a while since I was in a press conference. Few days ago I decided to invite few reporters, who I know are cool into my house for a little get together. The real reason why I decided to invite them to my house was the fact, that I just bought a new couch and a dining table! Also, I rarely see my name in the papers anymore. You can see my name and face online quite often in one of those sport websites but it´s not the same, now is it ? Real paper where the real glory is at.


I stopped going into these press events because some reporters just love to make dramatic headlines and create scandals out of nothing. That is why it´s extremely important that you know the people who you invite into your house. Even more important if those people are reporters who can pretty much ruin your career if you say something controversial. I know nothing about anything so I can always pull the ´´I´m foreign´´ card from my back pocket but that works rarely. You still might get suspended from the team or if you manage to do or say something extra controversial, you might get suspended from the whole league!


Anyways, I allowed few of my closest reporter friends into my place, so they can ask friendly questions about anything they can think of and more importantly, make me look extra good!


Dave: Hey Jorma! Thanks for letting me into your place, looks much better than the last time I was here.


JR: Thanks, and no problem. I did some cleaning here lately and even bought few things! How you like the new couch? Very nice isn´t it ?


Dave: It sure is, feels and looks like it´s a expensive couch?


JR: Oh for sure, I think it´s handmade in somewhere, not sure how they did it exactly but god damn, it´s one expensive couch.


Mike: Hey JR ! Not sure if you remember me but I´m friends with Dave? We work together


JR: Heyy, yea I remember you! Hows it going?


Mike: All good, thanks for the invitation! I´m going straight into the business, How has the season gone so far?


JR: Going very nicely actually. I´m bit surprised how well I have managed to play so far. Getting close to one season scoring record,few more points and I´m there!


Dave: That is nice! We know that you don´t like to talk about politics that much, do you still feel like that?


JR: Oh yea, I just don´t know anything about politics. I have never voted either so lets keep the politics out of my place.


Mike: Never voted? not even once?


JR: Damn right, not even once.


Dave: God damn Mike, leave JR alone.


JR: Yeah Mike, Why you need to act like that ?


Mike: huh ? me ? Dave started it all by asking silly question about politics?


JR: I think it´s time for Mike to leave. Dave, would you escort him out?


Dave: Sure, actually, I need to be going as well. We need to continue this later, if it´s ok ?


JR: Yea, yea, It´s ok. I need to go the gym soon as well. Thanks guys! Remember to write only nice things about me. 

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Content: 3/3 - Those reporters are so naughty. You always have an interesting story about your player ;)

Grammar: 2/2 - minor stuff ;)

is it ?  = is it? (;))
I allowed few of my closest = I allowed a few of my closest 

Appearance: 1/1 - The picture is always fun

Overall: 6/6

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