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Claimed:Life In Times: S01E03 "Trouble Brewing" [REVIEWED]


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The Saskatoon Wild bus is driving through the prairies on their way to a game. It’s not even the team bus, its Sir William Covington III’s personal bus.  William sits in the back of the bus in a hot tub lined with women in bikinis. Ahma crawls out of the washroom with a half full (half empty) vodka bottle while Stabby rides him like a horse



Giddy up



Get off me



You lost the bet


William stops the two



Boys! Boys! No need to ride each other there are enough girls here, let them do the riding



But why would I want them on my back riding me like a horse?


William smacks his forehead



Not that type of riding bud!


The bus comes across a small town William observes kids playing hockey in the street. William shouts out to the driver of the bus to stop the bus. He hopes out of the hot tub not even caring to put dry clothes on. He grabs his robe and a hockey stick as he heads outside.




The kids are playing hockey as William runs up and takes the ball and scores on a kid goalie. William runs around yelling





He goes around mocking every kid there telling them that they all suck.


Kid 1

He’s on my team


Stabby and Ahma get off the bus as Stabby is put on the other team. William easily wins the faceoff and scores from there. He looks up and points at Stabby




You suck, no wonder the team sucks because you can’t do your job



I’ll show you



Show me what? That how much you suck?


William wins yet another faceoff and runs full head on at Stabby who stands there like a wall. William puts the ball through Stabby’s legs and tries to run through him but Stabby stands his ground and knocks William on his ass. As this is going on the ball enters the net giving William the hat trick. Stabby looks down at him



Who sucks now?



Not me, I just scored again


A kid comes up to William and tries to jersey him as William is getting up.


Kid 2

You suck


William tries to fight back but Stabby helps the kid out. The kid’s father comes running out of the house yelling.



What in the hell do you think you are doing?


William stands up and looks at the man



He started it



He’s seven for god’s sake



You want to go? You want to tussle?



No, but I just did call the police. Drinking in public, beating up a kid should get you in some trouble



I’m the rightful king of England bud, they can’t touch me



More like the rightful king of nothing



You will learn to respect me and bow to me. I am your king


The cops roll up and get out of their car with guns drawn. The father points at the cops



No (pointing at William) you’re my bitch



William sits in an interrogation room cuffed to a chair as Detective Emerson enters the room. He slams his hands onto the table as he looks at William


Detective Emerson

What is your problem?



What’s yours?


Detective Emerson




Hard of hearing? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? I am the rightful king of England, thus making me your king and you arrest me? HOW DARE YOU!


Detective Emerson slams down his fist on the table


Detective Emerson




That was more of a statement


Detective Emerson

SHUT UP! (Sitting down across from William) I don’t care if you are the king of the universe. You were drinking in public, beat up a kid and threatened to beat up his father. What is your malfunction?



First off I was drunk prior to getting off the bus, secondly the kid threw the first punch and lastly his father got in my face so I intended to get him out of my face


Detective Emerson

Listen here buddy, you are nothing here in this small town. We here stand up for each other. You are an outsider, you are a disturbance. You can go to jail for what you did



Ha! Jail! You are joking right?


Detective Emerson

No not kidding at all, actually quite serious bud



Well then say hi to stabby


Detective Emerson

Are you threatening to stab me?



No… he is my lawyer, well he might be a little too drunk. So scratch that, Ahma operates best while drunk.


Detective Emerson stands and smiles.


Detective Emerson

Well you have oh about (looking at his watch) ten minutes to get your affairs in order. Judge Finklestien has agreed to hear your case right now due to the severity of it



Stabby is on the stand as a character witness



William is a stand-up guy, he cares for nothing but himself… wait no can I change what I said… shit. He is a good dude, he always supplies hookers in the locker room, blow after blowouts, and has a bar in our locker room so while we suck we can at least be hammed out of our minds. He might be an asshole but that is who he is. He does not know how to be nice. He actually is a menace to society that is why we keep him drunk and high so he is passed out most of the time. You should really thank us.


The defense lawyer laughs


Defense lawyer

Your honor I have no questions. That helped us not him




Ahma is on stand and he is clearly drunk and is drinking vodka out of a water bottle



Your honor that man over there (pointing not even at William but at an old lady) He is a stand (hiccup) up guy. He may not be able to stand up much because of all the alcohol and drugs he does but he is a (hiccup) stand up dude. Sure he harasses me daily on trading him because he hates playing for a shitty team in a shitty city. But that’s him. He may flip off the fans, tell kids to fuck off when they ask for autographs but you wouldn’t have William without all that. That man is a good guy if you look past all that. But if you can’t then… well he’s a bad man



Judge Finklestien

I have never heard or seen such blatant disregard for the law and overall humanity. William you do not care for anyone but yourself. You terrorize your friends, family and people around you. However! I cannot jail you for any of it. So I hereby sentence you to two hundred hours of community service that you must do right here in shantytown and you also must be clean of any drugs and alcohol while doing those hours.


Judge Finklestien slams down his gavel as the episode ends




Edited by KingRobbie
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