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Went bowling


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Did not like it that much. Only reason I agreed to go in the first place, was because it was for charity. Sometimes we here in New York arrange fan days where fans and other people can come and spend some time with us. We got food, clothes etc on sale in those events. All the money we earn during the day goes to charity. Rather nice.

This time we rented a bowling alley as well. I´m not that good in bowling, so I tried to stay on the background and do other things while fans and other players from NY do the bowling thing.

One of the fans walked up to me and challenged me to a bowling match!  He used the words bro and brah a lot so I had to accept the challenge. 

I started strong,but like I mentioned before, I´m a terrible bowler. Eventually the guy who challenged me managed to win. I was quite annoyed. Especially his victory dance made me want to punch him in the face. I did not do that, there were kids in there as well so I had to walk away. Bowling sucks. 

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