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Jonathan Killeen: We Barely Knew Thee


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A room of hushed journalists sit listening to a conference call with both Jonathan Killeen, his agent and his coach at the Bern Royals. They are primarily hushed so no one knows they're not doing actual work and instead paying close attention to the career moves of a journeyman junior hockey player but that is besides the point. Killeen was drafted last year by the Saskatoon Wild and put up reasonable numbers before being traded to the Bern Royals where he has experienced a major drop off in production. Killeen cites "personal reasons" as his motivation for retiring from hockey, but it's suspected that apathy has taken its toll on his career and he was struggling to find the motivation to continue. It is perhaps a shame that his career was cut so short, however, I am sure his mediocre legacy will live on for the Wild in generations to come.

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