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Claimed:Oh wow PT [REVIEWED]


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Really like the black and white here, nice look. Cool stock work. I'd like to see a bit more of it done on and around the render, instead of just at the bottom and in the background. Text is pretty cool, but could have used some other elements to spice it up a bit, and maybe pull it in a bit closer to the render. Nice work.

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  • jack changed the title to Oh wow PT [1/2]
  • Commissioner

B&W works with this piece but you need to keep in mind that with B&W lighting needs to be on point to make the render pop, I don't believe it is here. The render has some good natural contrast on the face so work with it, get the right side (our right) of his face blasted with light and darken up the left side. Curves layers clipped to the render and masked off can help with this a lot, as can Burn and Dodge. Text is okay but overlay it on top of the render a bit and get some effects on it to make it pop more. I agree with Jack about getting some stock work on the render. Overall it's a good piece but needs a few more touches.

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  • Beketov changed the title to Oh wow PT [REVIEWED]
  • 3 weeks later...

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