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Claimed:Superstar Interview [Reviewed]

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Interview with Kai Roberts


Kai was spotted talking with the media.


Kai Roberts was recently spotted talking with local media. They were doing interviews and it seemed like everyone else on the team ignored the media. Kai being the person he is decided that he wanted to talk with the media. He wanted to get things off his chest and say a few things about his team. He has grown quite frustrated with his statistics and is even more upset with where the team is going. It seems like the direction the team is going isn't something that he is quite excited about. The team has been losing to teams all season long by one simple goal. It seems like this team can't buy a win to save their lives. I could say that their playoff hopes are hanging in the balance early in the season already. Reporters John (last name is not needed), Mary (no last name listed) and Steve (again no last name) were here to ask questions to Kai.


John: "So it seems you have become quite frustrated thus far in the season. What would you say is the biggest problem?"


Kai: "I would have to say that I am disappointed in the lack of wins this team has. We have been going out there and playing but it seems like one person tries each night instead of the whole team. If everyone can start practicing more and putting forth more effort, maybe we could get more wins."


Steve: "You talk about not getting wins but before the season you were spotted saying you didn't care about wins. What changed your mind?"


Kai: "Well I mean lets face it. Who actually is content with losing? I am sure every athlete out there would want to be a part of a winning team. No one ever likes losing and it is a waste of time if you aren't giving anything but 110% out there each and every night."


Mary: "Your second line center Kol Mikaelson seems to be outperforming you. He is the brother of your agents former player Niklaus as well. Does this seem to bother you?"


Kai: "I'm not worried about who he is at all. Despite him being a vampire and the things that he could do, it doesn't effect me at all. What does bother me though is that he has better stats than me for sure. I mean I put in the time each and every week to become better and it's not showing. While my practice hours are going up, my stats aren't following."


Steve: "Alright it seems like we have bothered you enough already. We would like to thank you for your time and for answering our questions."


Kai: "No worries. I always have time for the media. I mean someone has to be able to get out what I have to say. There seems to have been issues somewhere and they needed to be told. I mean that is what the media is about right? They always want the best story to be told and something to create drama. Well there is all you need. There is the firepower to get things stirred up."

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