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  • Commissioner

Fun Fact number 1: B&W sigs don't contain strange red streaks that are clearly colored.


Fun Fact number 2: It's best to master the use of lighting before trying B&W. Ever notice how old B&W films still have good contrast between light and dark? Its because they became masters of lighting scenes to look a certain way when the color was removed. GFX is no different. If something is lit poorly and then turned B&W it ends up as a washed out mess with no contrast or lighting to speak of. This is a case like that.


I'm curious, if possible, could you remove the B&W and see what color looks like? Or did you actually desat everything instead of just applying a gradient map or B&W adjustment layer?

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  • Commissioner

Color and Hue are effectively the same thing when working with a B&W stock.


You mind taking that off and letting me see what it looks like with some color? As it stands I can't really say what needs to be improved since everything is just sorta washed out.

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Effort: 1.5/2 - Beketov tried to help you and you didn't respond to his help, plus the sig doesn't really have much, especially compared to some of your recent work.


Look: 1.75/3 - Step down from your recent stuff. The white smudge by his head looks bad, the stock over him doesn't look great either. Text is really hard to read, and the background offers no contrast.


Creativity: 1/1 - indeed.


Total: 4.25/6

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Effort: 1.5/2 - Reasons as stated.

Look: 1.75/3 - I agree this is a backwards step. Sig as a whole is way to busy. Background would probably work better if it was blurred. Not much else to say really. Its pretty much a not great sig made worse by grayscaling it.

Creativity: 1/1 - sure

Total: 4.25/6

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