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Dont be Fooled


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Davos GM was barraged with questions, when Covington stated he isnt sure where hes going. Stating it feels nice to have all the power, but Komarov was quick to point out no he doesnt. 


Already Komarov has shown his willingness to push the young star, playing him on the wing instead of his natural position. Komarov stated hos faceoffs were just too weak, his all around game needed improvement before he saw time at C. Covington didnt like this much, but when the results started pileing up the rookie shut his mouth. 


Well its true he holds a player option, hes also still an RFA if he uses it. His reputation around the league is tainted, looking more like a spoiled brat. Komarov stated though he is a good guy in the lockeroom and driven to succeed. He would rather keep the young gun around, but not at the expense of his franchise. 


I want cup rings, not selfish players. I like i did last draft will contact the guys around my spot, and there answers could go along way. This franchise has been set back long enough, Covington holds no cards, hes in a position of weakness. I wont use this against him, but he also knows im not a push over.




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