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More Tough calls


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Davos GM is starting to get used to making the tough calls, the biggest one facing him right now is, what to do with his son. The young Komarov is a face off wizard, and an elite two way threat in the VHLM. However with Covington, and Adultman Davos is set at center. With rumors a certain defenders asked out it begs the question.


Does Komarov move to the wing? His talents and skill suggest it be a poor move. Perhaps defense? Hes a talented two way player. The problem is giving up such a faceoff monster, especially  with the risk that Covington could bolt. Its a tough choice for Komarov to make, one that he has to make soon. 


It looks more like a move to wing,  short term could solve it. However Davos defense is not in the greatest shape. If they want to see improvement that will have to start from the back end. 


It will be an interesting story line to follow as we lead up to the season.

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  • Senior Admin

The good news is a switch to wing from center is free and then you can always buy the position switch in the Store to get to defense later if need be

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