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Claimed:The Covington Enigma [Reviewed]


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Sir William Covington III is a perplexing man. Ever since coming into the league he has turned heads because of his play and because of his attitude. His loud mouth brash “go fuck yourself” ways rubs people the wrong way and he wouldn’t have it any other way. William now in the final year of his rookie contract with HC Davos has announced well ahead of the season that he planned to leave Davos and explore the Free Agency market. What he will find out there is ballooned offers in efforts to pry him away from Davos.


But at that point he will not even belong to them. Does this man really have allegiance to Davos or all ties to the team cut? He announced today that he and Kai Roberts put on a show for the league. He says that they staged fights and arguments because he knew the players and people of the league wanted and needed the two would but heads and argue. There were people getting popcorn ready to enjoy the argument. Little did the people of the league know Covington and Roberts planned everything to the “T” and enjoyed doing it as much as the people loved reading it. It was poetry, it was a sheer amazing shit awful mess that everyone expected and it was glorious to watch.


But if Roberts isn’t the reason why Covington is leaving Davos then what can be the reason? If he enjoys the team and the management then what exactly is the reason? Is it the fans? Davos doesn’t have a huge population so lack of attention by the fans to a man that is all about is image and his ego may drive him out and make him go to places like NY or Toronto. But Covington has flat out announced that he has not and will not make up his mind where he is signing till the offers come rolling in when free agency opens in a few short weeks.


Rumors are also swirling that Covington has met with Zimmers Corp agent and former client Xavier Martinez who had the most entertaining free agency in league history. One filled with live updates on what he is thinking, knocking teams off his list till a few remained and then announcing his “decision” on the VHL Mag podcast. So he meeting with Martinez should point to that he wants to make the most of his free agency. The question really comes down to where exactly would he sign?


Seattle was interest in acquiring him via trade today but only if he would sign. SWC3 turned down the trade and opted to stick out the season in Davos. Due to his NTC he can do that and team management has no other option then sitting back and letting him walk at the end of the season. So will Seattle come after him when he tests the market? Will Covington even consider? Well if you ask him he would say that after conversations with the Seattle GM which the Davos GM allowed, that he was impressed by the talks and is open to them offering him a contract and he would consider it.


Next on the list is Riga. There is no denying that Riga would want the talents of Covington in Riga. They seem to be doing the rebuild the “right way” but what would stop Covington from going there? Sucking for 1-2 seasons is not something he wants to do. The same thing goes for Seattle. So why would he go to these teams? To be the man, the man that they build around. To be the captain and bring them to glory. This is a man that claims he is the rightful king of England. So anything is possible.


Other teams that Covington could probably go to are Helsinki because they are building a strong young team and maybe just maybe stay in Davos but no one including Convington himself is expecting that. As he put it “Davos is a great place but it’s time I move on” Where he will call home next season? Will it be NY? Toronto? Seattle? Helsinki? Riga or will he stay in Davos? We will just have to sit back and wait to find out.

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Review: Well to be fair, Riga doesn't suck right now. We're currently in the playoffs and we're only going to get better as the young guys age :P. I like when players make a big spectacle out of free agency (when they are worth it). Should be pretty interesting to see what happens with your player come this offseason. 

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