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Claimed:The Front S01E04 "Asian Persuasion"


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Mail dude is crying as he is fighting the pain. Buck is pacing around the room waiting for him to crack. Mail Dude just continues to cry and shake his head in hopes that Buck will realize that he is trying to tell him that he cannot talk.


Buck @JardyB10

You are one tough cookie to crack. Not like those fucking pathetic fortune cookies. You sir are a terror cookie.


Buck leans in and whispers in the ear of Mail Dude



I hate terror cookies


We now go behind the two way glass as Phil @Phil, Fre @frescoelmo and Ken stand watching the interrogation



Does this man even know how to interrogate? I can get answers out of that man in five minutes… hell give me just four



Give him a chance, he called dibs after all



I have a track record of cracking terrorist in just mere minutes. Watching him waste time is just that, a waste of time that we don’t have



You may have a track record but so does he



Oh he does? Of what?


Phil shrugs



Didn’t think you would question that… He has a track record of… flying off the handle?



Oh and that’s really going to help here



It may




Rob is sitting at the head of an obscenely large table with Angelo and Alec standing at the other end of the table.


Alec @ADwyer87

Oh this is what the table was for



Shut up and start with the presentation


Angelo @Molholt

Yeah shut up Alec



I don’t need to be told by two people to shut up



Both of you shut up and start


The lights go out and projector turns on to reveal live streamed aerial video from above a pier.



Whiskey Foxtrot is ready to go in on your mark sir



Are we sure that this the place? Because if this is one of your fuck ups the authorities will be alerted and we will be fucked



Intel tells us that it’s in there, we will probably encounter endless amounts of security to keep us from getting it. But we will have the element of surprise by cutting the power out



Tell the team the mission is a go


Angelo puts his hand to his ear



You are a go Whiskey Foxtrot, I repeat you are a go



Buck is intensely looking at Mail Dude in the eyes as he hold a syringe in his hand. He is so excited and worked up his hand is shaking as he holds it. Mail Dude looks at the syringe as he shakes in fear



I’m going to enjoy watching you in pain. I’m going to so enjoy it


Buck looks at the syringe



mmmm… fuck you don’t even want to know what this one can and will do to you


Buck licks his lips as he almost drools at the sight of the syringe. He slowly brings it near Mail dude but then brings it to his own arm, his eyes gloss over almost like he has done this before. After a few seconds he snaps out of it and slaps himself in the face before stabbing the syringe into mail dudes arm. Mail dude opens his mouth like he is screaming but nothing comes out.



You like that? It pleases you don’t it? You sick son of a bitch. Time for the big guns


Buck rushes for the door but before he can grab the door handle the door flies open and Fre stands there with a glass of water.



Assistant Fre what are you doing with that?



I am not your assistant



You are not an agent so you must be something



You are not an agent either, we are garbage men



Don’t you dare say the “G” word again



What? Garbage?



Shut up


Fre walks past Buck and towards Mail Dude



Put the water down and step away from the water



No, you cannot keep torturing him. He has rights



You just accosted a federal agent. If you do not put down the weapon I will be forced to arrest you



Arrest me?... wait what? Weapon? It’s water. He must be thirsty



Yeah for more blood to spill


Fre offers the water to Mail Dude but before he can drink any Buck runs up and takes the water away from Fre



You are under arrest for aiding a known terrorist



You can’t arrest me



I can and I just did. Now put these on


Buck tosses Fre handcuffs



Image result for bruce lee

FONG AZN @tfong is leading a group of terrorist into the pier they encounter stiff resistance from the security detail. But Fong being Asian has seen every bruce lee movie and even every Jackie Chan movie who he viewed as less of a Martial Arts type dude but a better actor. Fong sprung into action and quickly kicked, flipped, and snapped necks his way around the pier before the security detail was all dead or on the ground rolling around in pain. Fong leads the remaining men towards two massive doors as he puts his hand to his ear



I have the doors in sight



Proceed with caution there maybe security forces



Correction there was






 Affirmative, there was before I went Asian on their asses



Copy that



Fre is now cuffed to a chair next to Mail Dude as Buck sits on the table in front of them intensely staring at them



What I want to know is why you were so quick to try to help the terrorist



He’s not a…



Shut up! I wasn’t done talking. You only speak when I am done. I am the authority here and you are the scum


Silence fills the room



You claim you were just trying to give him what every human deserves which is food and water. But then where is the food? What is so special about this water?


Buck looks at the water then smells it as he tries to investigate it



There is something off here



Yeah your brain


Buck glares at Fre then looks down at the water inquisitively



If you are here to “help” him then you put something in the water. Something that…


Buck pauses as he is grasping at anything he can come up with



Helps him combat what I am injecting him with… OR! You dissolved a cyanide pill in the water so he will die and I will never get information out of him. Well you will never and I mean NEVER outsmart Agent Buck Bunkuer for he is the most agenty agent in the world. He is always two steps ahead of the game. I will not stand idly by while you try to give this terrorist scum an easy way out. So he can be a martyr and get his virgins in the sky.


Buck pours all the water into his mouth and swishes it around



You do know if there is cyanide in there you will die right? Mr most agenty agent in the world


Buck thinks for a second before spitting out the water all over Mail dude who drinks what he can because he is so thirsty. After a few moments Mail Dude tries to speak



I’m… not…a…Terrorist



Fong opens the doors to find a weapons cash. He approaches a big box in the middle of the room. As he opens the box the episode fades to black.


Edited by KingRobbie
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fong with a weapons cache? LOL DEAR LORD, NO!


Also, @KingRobbie, I really really hope you type this out on an old style type writer. You know, the type that David Duchovney uses in Californication



(or at least use a comp store laptop to write it haha

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

fong with a weapons cache? LOL DEAR LORD, NO!


Also, @KingRobbie, I really really hope you type this out on an old style type writer. You know, the type that David Duchovney uses in Californication



(or at least use a comp store laptop to write it haha

Oh I have to do the next one at a Best Buy. That would be epic. maybe even do a podcast as I do it. That video gave me ideas

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