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Karnage's after career


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After his VHL's career, Lord Karnage had to refill his bank account because he discovered, after his short stop in New York, that cocaine is very expensive. Since the VHL kick his ass out of the league, and the NHL being way too strict for his own taste, an after career was needed. Therefore, he became fat and start a career as musician in the Electronic Dance Music industry. The name "karnage" being way too recognizable, he decided to create a persona to cover his identity. From this day, he is recolonized as DJ "Carnage", what a genius. 



During the S49 Playoff, Karnage's absence on the scoring sheet might have been cause by his dependence to MDMA , a drug often found in rave and such. Rumors are told that he didn't even showed up to pratice due to his constant visits to EDM shows such as EDC and UMF Miami. Questioned about that, Carnage simply answered "fuck off mate".



Living the dream, basically


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