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Award Predictions + World Cup Award Talk [Reviewed]


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- I should use this grade as a PT. If I type enough, I probably could.... or you know, I could just claim a grading TPE...

- Lol, Streety starts by rambling. I love it. 

- Oh yea... VHFL.. I felt like I hadn't done all the off-season stuff.. but glad to know that I at least didn't miss it. 

- Did you predict me for anything? LET ME KNOW! I CAN"T WAIT TO LISTEN!!!

- WOW MVP For PHil Hamillton? I love you @Streetlight

- Sandro could be an MVP

- I really hope I'll do better! 


- Labatte trophy race is gonna be interesting 

- I agree... when looking at the top GM, you must look at the GMs who are setting themselves up amazingly for the future. 

- I thought the world cup voting was pretty straight forward. 

- Kyanon definitely deserved it over me

- I'm pretty sure you are not allowed to sign in FA with a team that your other player is on... for exactly that reason.

- lol you start and end with rambling... that's great. 

- I was forced to listen to this.

- Forced.

- Okay, not really.

- lol that's exactly why I still do podcasts. 

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Good listen, Phil touched upon the reason we have that rule regarding two player FA stuff. But we'll see what happens, it'll be interesting to see the decisions members make with their players, and if having a second player means we'll see more...flexibile/unorthodox decision making. 


I totally agree with you about Top GM. I think people easily forget that @Toast responded after the FA's signed in Calgary, which is sadly what everyone had to do since nobody was trading until that influx of FA went to Calgary. Then he was able to attract both Robbie and Sterling based on that. It was a better combination of building a core, trading for some holes, and then signing the last few things you needed to remain competitive. He for me has a better shot at Top GM just because of that. Not too take away from the core Eagles built, I mean he sold the FA primarily on having Weinstein on board from what I understood, but really Clegane hadn't found a team yet, and Sandro was still on Davos.


That is the thing, once all these people test they sit there and say "I'll find the best option." Yet Riga didn't become a great option until AFTER most of the FA have signed. Why? Because when every team has a near complete roster, nobody is going to trade anything because they want to compete, so they go after the FA players. 


Anyway, when @Advantage and I do another Pajodcast, we'll see if your down maybe to join us, as having another person with us is always welcome. 

Edited by Mr. Power
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