BluObieZ 1,125 Posted October 29, 2016 Share Posted October 29, 2016 INT-PRECINCT 44-DAY King kicks the front door open of the precinct as he drags Dom @Green behind him as Mulligan pleads with King Mulligan @TheLastOlympian07 Please! King I am begging you, just let him go. He hasn’t done anything wrong King @KingRobbie Hasn’t done anything wrong? Dude claims he has seen interesting things that we will be interested in but the whole ride here he says he wants to see his lawyer which is a stall tactic my dear Mulli. King shoves Dom towards the cells King This scumbag cannot afford a lawyer if his shitty little life depended on it. So since he lied to the law I will book him conspiracy to traffic drugs in his ass while he moon lights as a gay male prostitute! Dom Please! Look man, I saw these things but if I tell you then my ass is in danger King It’s in danger now because you are going to the clink where you belong Dom Please man, I’ll do anything to stay out of there King Tell me the truth and nothing but it Dom Look man, I was in the ally last night and there were two men beating this guy up. There was all types of blood all over. Then this limo rolls up and this man gets out. He stands over the guy getting beat up as he forced onto his knees. King stops him King If this was a gay porn shoot I will kill you Dom Look man, I am trying to tell a story here. So please zip it. So anyway the guy was begging this new guy for his life. The man didn’t care and shot him in the head. As he was about to get in his car he told the dead guy to tell the Yakuza that the drugs in the city are his. King thinks for a second before grabbing Dom and shoving him away from him King Process this gay prostitute Dom screams for someone to help him but no one cares as King turns to Mulligan King Well seems like the Mongolian non mongols are going at it with the Yakuza Mulligan You go that from what he said? King That man he was talking about is Jones Stones the leader of the Mongolian Mafia. I think it’s about time we go pay him a visit Mulligan sighs Mulligan I’ll get my vest King No need, there won’t be much left of them once I am done with them EXT-STREET-DAY A group of men are sitting outside of the Mongo Eatery. They kind of have the mafia look but not really, they seem to be failing at a few aspects of the look. King races up the road in his F150 FX4. The truck mounts the curb and comes to a stop inches from the mafia men. King hops out of his truck and looks at the men King Police so don’t even think about it King walks towards the door of the eatery as Mulligan cautiously gets out of the truck and apologizes to the mafia members for King. King stares down a mean looking mafia guy at the door and makes him flinch which makes King laugh and he kicks the door open and heads inside. INT-RESTAURANT-DAY King bursts through the door and into the restaurant and starts shouting for Jones Stones as loud as he can. Jones comes out from the back room slowly clapping. King looks at him oddly wondering why he is slow clapping. King What? King looks around the restaurant a bit confused by the slow claps. Jones @Da Trifecta You figured it all out King All? What? Jones You are here because you have figured out that I am taking over the city and I will not stop till I do King thinks for a second King Yes! I did and I now have you on microphone saying that Jones laughs evilly Jones No need to record me saying it, I want it to be a well-known fact. I want the Yakuza and whoever the fuck else in this city that wants to stand in my way to tremble in their boots King What if they wear shoes? Jones What? King you said tremble in their boots and I am asking what if they wore shoes or other types of foot ware. Would you only want the ones wearing boots to tremble or all people in all type of foot ware to tremble? Jones dumbfounded by the question Jones What? Jones shakes his head to forget what he just heard Jones Look, all I want is people to fear the Mongolians King leans in King But you’re not Mongolian Jones Shut up King Just trying to help you figure out properly what you are. Cause you aint Mongolian. Maybe Russian or uh… South African?... Oh I know what you are! You’re Canadian! Jones Stop it King Ok, enough games. I came here because I have a creditable lead that you killed some sack of shit in some shitty ally Jones Who told you this? King Why? You scared? Jones No, I just want to know if it was the lowlife idiot dealer peaking around the corner as it happened King Maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t Jones So it was, if he happens to disappear tomorrow after he is released from jail then don’t be surprised King Wait… what? How did you know he was in… never mind. If you want that sack of shit I will even drive him to you. I want him gone as much as you. All I want to know is how I get in on this action. I hate my job and I hate this city even more Jones We will be in touch King When? Jones When you least expect it EXT-STREETS-DAY King walks out of the Mongo Eatery to see Mulligan playing cards with the mafia thugs. King grabs him by the shoulders and picks him up. King Don’t play cards with the enemy Mulligan But they are nice guys King Till they put a bullet in your head Mulligan What happened in there? King Not much my little dude, I just got a question for you? Mulligan Which is? King How fast can we get homo prostitute out of jail today? Mulligan is taken back by the question Mulligan Wait… what? You want to let him out on the same day you put him in? even before Bif and Tony have a go with him? King Mulligan my simple minded partner Bif and the boys already had their way with him Mulligan Of course they did… Mulligan says with disappointment King So how fast? Mulligan I can head over there now King Can you? Mulligan Yeah if you drive me King tosses some change at Mulligan King Bus it my bud, bus it King hops into his F150 and speeds off leaving Mulligan in a cloud of smoke INT-CAR-DAY As King drives he notices a car that is following him. Making every turn that he is but this does not scare him. He continues to drive. EXT-TIMBER BAR-DAY King’s F150 speeds up and parks between some motorcycles. They all fall over as the truck comes to a stop. King jumps out of the truck and looks at the motorcycles then inspects his truck to make sure no damage is on it. Before he heads into the bar he looks back to see the car that was following him parking up the street. He smiles as he heads in. INT-TIMBER BAR-DAY King walks into the bar to see JONAS TIMBERWOLF @Mr. Hickey a 30’s white male talking to DEPUTY JARBO SMASH @JardyB10 a 20’s new cop who seems to be mad about something since he is holding his gun in his hand as he is yelling Jarbo I JUST WANT TO FUCKING DO SOMETHING! BUT THEY HAVE ME ON DIRECTING TRAFFIC. I’VE WANTED TO BE A COP ALL OF MY LIFE AND WHEN I BECOME ONE I AM THE LOWEST OF THE LOW. Jonas laughs Jonas You just became a cop, consider this your initiation Jarbo I want to stop scum fuckers and that’s the best advice you can give me? Jonas You are on traffic duty but yet you sit in a bar drinking beer. Who is watching that intersection now? Jarbo No one Jonas That’s my point, if they roll by there to see you in action and see you not there then they won’t like it Jarbo Fuck em King walks up and sits next to Jarbo King Fuck em indeed Jonas Don’t listen to this man Jarbo looks at King Jarbo Why? Jonas He might be the worst cop in the city to take good advice from… having said that he might be the best cop in the city Jonas slides four pints of beer to King almost like he was expecting him. King quickly chugs two King So you want to be a real cop huh? King smacks Jarbo on the shoulder Jarbo Fuck yes I do! King Well… boy do I have a job for you INT-COURTHOUSE-DAY Mulligan is talking with JUDGE GENE ARDASS @Draper a 40’s male Mulligan Look Gene, King had a change of heart and wants to drop all charges on Dom Gene Wait, what? You mean to tell me that King wants to take it easy on Dom? Has King lost his mind? King always rushes in here and tells me to be harder on him but now he sends you to tell me to release him? Mulligan I find it odd also, but that’s what King wants Gene I will have him released but if I find out that this was all you then you will be put in jail along with Dom Mulligan You have my word that King wants him out and wants to take it easy on him. I one hundred percent assure that King nor am I fucking around Gene You are seriously trusting King to not have something up his sleeve? Mulligan That is what I am saying Gene Okay… he will be released on the hour INT-TIMBER BAR-DAY King and Jarbo are now sitting in a booth devising a plan for whatever King has planned. When the front door flies open. King does not even look up, Jarbo looks over to see it’s a young couple. Seconds later a Chinese man enters the bar suspiciously and starts to slowly look around the bar. INT-JAIL PARKING GARAGE-DAY Dom walks off the elevator and walks out into the empty garage. He is whistling and singing a song Dom Just got out of jail and things are looking up for me… A person that we don’t see the face of sticks a gun at Dom Person GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND! The episode fades to black NotAVHLM-GM and Da Trifecta 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotAVHLM-GM 1,858 Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Pull the trigger I dare you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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