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A VWF Production: La Banda de Ladrones


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After months of hype, a bit of a hiatus and now a triumphant return, the VWF's inaugural event a Royal Rumble to determine the VWF Champion was held. While there is no doubt that supreme rigging occurred, as VWF League Commish A.C Savage @Molholt walked away with both the coveted number 30 entry in the rumble, and the win. While most agree it wouldn't be wrestling if a loosely connected authority character didn't leverage their position to rise to glory, most would also agree that it wouldn't be wrestling without a group, a gang if you will. Following the conclusion of the VWF Rumble we can confirm that such a gang exists, and they are calling themselves La Banda de Ladrones. 


Currently made up of El Chico Malo, El Juventud Mysterio II Jr., Infinity Mask, Soldier 76 and Verga Grande, officials were hoping that the group wouldn't pose much trouble for the VWF officials, however news of a break in at VWF headquarters last night has raised some alarms. Believed to be the work of the Ladrones, officials found the cleaning stuff tied up and spray painted, who reported that they were attacked from behind before being superkicked into oblivion. Worse yet, the culprits appear to have stolen various small valuables and belongings, as well as Janice's homemade quesadillas from the lunch room. In the head office, Max Molholt the owner and commissioner himself found his office ransacked and a message spray painted among his walls. 


"Like a not so great gringo once said, estamos tomando más de! Holmes!" 

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