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Regular season is now over, 72 games played with some memorable moments, such as Fabio Jokinen´s first goal, Fabio Jokinen´s first assists and of course, Fabio Jokinen´s first fight.  Unfortunately for Fabio Jokinen and for Quebec Meute, they did not make it into playoffs this year. We asked from Fabio what he had to say about his rookie year in VHL, this is what he answered:


FJ: Well you know, it was a learning experience. I started the year rather well, but towards the end it was bit more up and down. Had solid games and not so solid games. The whole team was really great and helped me a lot in adjusting to the life in VHL. I think next year will be that much better. I know what I can do and what I need to avoid if I want to be successful. 


North-American conference was really competitive this year, four teams with 99 or more points. Might not sound much, but the second best team in the European conference ´only´ got 86 points and third best 43, so that just tells you how fierce the race for playoffs was in the NA conference.


Quebec managed to collect 40 points, which would almost be enough for playoff spot in the European conference! Interesting to see what next year will look like, I doubt it´s this tight in NA conference, but you never know. 


It´s not too important to think about the future and next season now, VHL is getting ready for playoffs. Six teams made it this year again, Seattle Bears, New York Americans and Calgary Wranglers from the NA conference, Riga Reign, Cologne Express and Davos from EU conference.


If I would have to guess who is going to win it all, I would more than likely go with New York Americans, but to be completely honest, Seattle, Calgary and Riga could win it just as well. Cologne and Davos are the underdogs in my books. Everything is possible in the wild world of the playoffs though.


As mentioned previously, Quebec did not manage to find their way into the playoffs. That means the guys in Quebec get few extra weeks of rest before the training camp and preparations for next year starts. We tried to ask from Fabio Jokinen what his plans are from now on, but he was not too interested in giving any details, this is what he said:


FJ: No comment.




Quite rude, but it´s understandable I guess. Tough year and while rest of the league gets to enjoy playoff hockey, he is at home sitting and watching the games from TV. To anybody who has made it this far, don´t worry. We have cameras outside Fabio´s place and a car that follows him anywhere he goes. Add our website to your bookmarks and follow what happens around Quebec. Everybody who register into our site during the next seven days will have a chance to win 100 dollar gift card to Quebec Meute fan shop!

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