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Claimed: Some S55 stuff.

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*Ready, set, go!!!*



This off-season is slowly coming to and end. FA's already chose their future, the GM's also were making their future by drafting players to their respective teams and right now we only need to find out for the award winners. And then the S55 can start. This season promises to be another 4-team race, although there's one darkhorse that can provide an upset. Also, there are more questions that will be answered during the season. 





I think even @eaglesfan036 realizes there's no chance for a long playoff run, if this even will happen. I never thought that Calgary will try to compete in this season, but the GM made us known he is sick of rebuilding after getting Leblanc from my team. Also, he gave up two first round picks to get a highly touted prospect in Felix Savard. That was the last positive thing for the Wranglers - FA didn't think this teams is attractive enough as only Jim Lahey came back to home. And then another promising prospect, Verner Reinholdt decided to get himself out from Eagles. At end of the day, there's always next season for Calgary. 





So this is still a two-team race in the NA conference. Last time, Quebec's depth gained a 4-1 victory in the conference finals and looks like the Meute is the main force in North America. But the Americans aren't done yet - @Devise managed to re-sign Diana Maxwell and they added a nice defensive depth in Robert Jelen. An inactive scrub, you say? But playing with one non-CPU D isn't the best option too, so this move makes sense. @Frank also wasn't sleeping. He re-signed an inactive depth player AK-47 and brought Guntis Petenis to solidify their defense. It's going to be another interesting series, that's for sure. 





We have another clash of the titans, now in Europe. Stockholm was looking beastly in last season and nobody besides Helsinki wasn't expecting less than finals from the Vikings. Helsinki managed to shock the world by winning 4 straight games after being two games down. It's obvious that @Higgins will try to repeat this success while @Advantage is looking for a revenge. Helsinki lost SWC III due to retirement, but they added a depth defenceman, Diego Jokinen. Also, Velvet decided to replace Covington by changing his position to C. Stockholm also had a loss - Swen Wolf decided to hang up the skates. In overall, this series should be exciting. Or...





Probably @Smarch wanted more from the FA market, but he managed to sign a nice D addition (Dotran) and bring the best backup goalie in Threencarnac[ion] to the Davos Dynamo team. Yes, the biggest fish, Diana Maxwell decided to stay in NY, but it's not a very huge loss for an upcoming team. This team has no superstar, but perhaps they will be able to make a big upset with their depth and mist4ke. 



We probably will have even more questions during the season, but the previously mentioned ones can be more important for now. 



That's it and I'm out. 



6 TPE goes to Krīgars.



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I never truly expected we could compete for a cup unless by some miracle Streetlight signed with us. But we traded our 1st for next season and have a few guys, so may as well try to make things a little exciting and make a run for the last playoff spot while we wait.

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4 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

I never truly expected we could compete for a cup unless by some miracle Streetlight signed with us. But we traded our 1st for next season and have a few guys, so may as well try to make things a little exciting and make a run for the last playoff spot while we wait.


I had Toronto slightly above of you guys before the Reinholdt trade, so now IMO Toronto is definitely finishing ahead of you.


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