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Claimed:Future Looks Bright for XXX and the Americans


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Future Looks Bright for XXX





Less than a year ago, Xin Xie Xiao was the third name called in the S36 VHL entry draft. Weeks after that he was named an alternate captain straight out of training camp, seen as a mature and determined model for the rest of the youngsters on the team to follow. Despite this rapid progression, people forget that this is XXX's first season still. While he strives to improve every day, it is interesting to note how well he has played under pressure.


Many are convinced that XXX is a player that loves to win and will do whatever it takes to get it done. They are not far off the mark. Despite being a really young team and finishing second last in the league last year, the New York Americans now find themselves battling for a playoff spot in the North American conference as the determination and willpower of the young players is overcoming what they lack in experience and veteran presence outside of Keiji Toryiama, who has been playing lights out for the Americans.


XXX was tabbed by the majority of the scouts to be the most VHL ready player, but many if not all were convinced that he would never become an elite player. While the latter will be answered in time, XXX has proved that he is ready for the VHL now and has become a force in the turnaround season for the Americans. XXX is 7th in rookie scoring with 26 points in 30 games, a modest total combined with his team leading 131 hits, good for 6th in the league. He has been playing superb two way hockey, contributing in multiple facets of the game and features heavily in the youth movement in New Yorks. He sees plenty of action against opposing top lines and plays on the top penalty killing unit and deserves ample credit for being able to make the transition to the VHL smoothly in his first year eligibility.




It may not be this season but XXX could be in contention of Scott Boulet trophy in the near future as he evolves his game play and matures. That is also not to forget the hidden X-factor in XXX that saw him claim playoff mvp honors in his VHLM season. He has one of the hardest shots in the league, landing him a spot on the point on the power play recently and he is likely the most physical player on the team. As he builds on his strength and balance, his drives to the net should prove even more dangerous for opposing teams as they try and stop this six foot six tank.


On a related note, his teammate Connor Low is in the top of contention for the rookie award this year if not in the lead. 32 points in 30 games as a defensemen, second in team hits and playing a strong game from the backend has been a large factor to the Americans fighting for the playoffs right now. Connor Low as you may recall was part of the Ottawa Lynx squad that defeated XXX's Saskatoon Wild in the playoffs and ultimately rolled through the finals. Brick Wahl, a teammate from the Wild has also been equally impressive in his debut sporting a 0.915 save percentage, he has stolen a few games already this season singlehandedly and will look to progress his own development as well.




The future is certainly looking bright for the Americans, whom also have a shot at another top prospect this year as they hold their own first round pick as well as the Wranglers 1st round pick. Not a bad time to start buying season tickets for the team, they may be really good, really soon.

Edited by tfong
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Content: 3/3 - The Americans are surprising a lot of people this year, with a good push they could even break through to the playoffs this season already. Damn good rebuild in progress there.
Grammar: 1.5/2 - Too many errors for my liking, sorry.
New Yorks = New York
his first year eligibility = his first year of eligibility
of Scott Boulet trophy = of the Scott Boulet Trophy
mvp = MVP
backend = back end
singlehandedly = single-handedly
Appearance: 1/1 - YERP
Overall: 5.5/6 -  :ph34r:
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Content: 3/3 - The Americans surely have silenced their critics this season. With this steady season progressing with results coming in should be the signal on whether or not NY has to do anything in terms of trades in order to survive the playoffs.


Grammar: 1.5/2 - What Doomsday said. The piece is filled with grammatical mistakes that really hurt your grade.


Appearance: 1/1 - Looks very good.


Overall: 5.5/6


Final: 6/6

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