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Claimed: SWC3 host of 10th Anniversary Party


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SWC3 was the hired host for the official VHL 10 year anniversary. I don’t know who fucked up more he for taking the gig or the league for hiring him and expecting him to actually care about people’s feelings. Covington showed up to the event in a super stretch limo that was custom built for him. It is twice as long as a regular stretch limo. As it pulled up the door half way up the car opened and an entourage of model looking women in skimpy tiny dresses stepped out of the limo and proceeded to line each side of the red carpet. The limo then pulled forward and the back doors opened. Yet another entourage of people piled out of the car. But these were all ex VHL players. Names like Guido Schwarz who now claims to be the first ever person to play hockey in space. You read that right. He is an investor in Space X and went up one time. He also set other firsts like first known person to get head in space (brought a girl with him) first person to have sex in space, first person to make a sex tape in space (Golden Sexronaut) first person to do cocaine in space and yes finally first person to “play” hockey in space. Which was him attempting to shoot a floating puck for five minutes while high on cocaine.


Other members of the entourage were Xavier Martinez who runs a “for profit” charity for people who suffer from “coke nose” Not sure how that works but sure… Shawn Muller @TheLastOlympian07 who claims to be a “professional friend” which sounds like he just hangs around to be on the entourage. Simon Valmount @Ahma who now runs a “Lizard Habitat” in Finland for all lizards that need a home so they do not need to run away, Daisuke Kanou @tfongwho owns a noodle company called “Kanou KaNoodles” It’s not really a succeeding company but he sure does own it. Finally before SWC3 stepped out of the limo out stepped the most hated man in league history. The man that needs no introduction. The man that was behind the shortbus, getting suspended, getting banned (record amount of times), and the brains behind 5’s a crowd. The brains behind the best ever VHLM team the Las Vegas Aces. The man the myth the fucking legend Robbie Zimmers.


SWC3 when he finally exited the limo was barely even able to stand so his “professional friend” helped him walk into the Verizon Center. SWC3 took the stage and began what can only be described as insult fest. He clearly was not joking around like most hosts do.  SWC3 even proceeded to make fun of Robbie for setting yet another record. First ever GM to be fired after totally dominating the league and winning the cup. Gladly it all ended when SWC3 collapsed onstage after doing a line on live TV. “Mully” tried to take over for his friend but was a train wreck. People wondered why he didn’t just help his friend who laying on stage the whole time. The 10th anniversary celebration was an epic failure. Which was capped off with a firework show. Yes firework as in singular. A so called firework mishap occurred and only one was fired.


Other notable notes for the show were Anderson and his agencies shit ton of players all showed up in an entourage of twenty clown cars. It was still not enough the rest had to take public transit. @Green showed up in a green suit that right away online people used as a green screen and took it away so he was just a floating head. @Philtried to make nice with the ladies but failed so he drank his sorrows away. Not everyone got into the show. People like Higgins, banana cock, Frank, Kendrick, Bushitroll were among a long list of people denied access to the “A list” event. They were greeted at the door with a swift kick in the balls and from a hired girl and the words “Fuck You”. Which is odd because some of them actually “run” the league. That was one of SWC3’s demands to host the show and league met it. Odd indeed.


For Ko Kane

Edited by BobertZ
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