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Perhaps the most exciting weekly event in VHL took place couple days ago,  I´m of course talking about vhl magazine and the lottery! To those of you who don´t know what it is, you pick three numbers, for example 1-5-2 and if those numbers are picked - you could win either 10 uncapped tpe, 5 million dollars or a free doubles week, so prices are nice! Only downside to it all is that we rarely see a winner, so it´s not easy to actually be a lottery winner, but well worth it to take part!


There is light at the end of the tunnel though, in the most recent lottery - Tyler and his 692 number combination won him 10 uncapped tpe! That is what we dream of right there, just think what you can do with 10 uncapped tpe? One minute you are just dreaming about having that extra something and all of a sudden boom! You actually have the 10 uncapped tpe, I imagine that is better feeling than winning the cup. A lot of people win the cup every season, but only few can say they have won lottery.



Master of hitting from Finland


Personally I more than likely would have used the 10 uncapped tpe on checking. As I´m getting older, I need to take things bit more easily and focus on other areas of my game, because lets face it, I´m not a young guy anymore. If I go out there and try to hit everything like I used to, I will seriously hurt myself. That 10 uncapped tpe would help me pick my spots bit better and also help me tweak the actual hitting techniques with an professional trainer,  it´s an art and skill just like shooting or passing, I´m just starting to forget some of the things I used to know about checking, so that is where 10 TPE would come in handy.


If I´m completely honest, I would like to win 5m from the lottery instead of 10 tpe or the doubles week, reason is that I´m quite broke at the moment. I don´t even have the money to buy the latest cars, I have been stuck with 2015 models for a while now. To give you another example of my struggles, I actually had to sell my friday Ferrari in order to buy some food, it´s that bad.




Tough out there man, not even sure where all of my money has gone, but not much left on my bank account. If I would win 5m from the lottery, I would first buy myself another friday Ferrari and get rid of my monday Porsche, not a good idea to drive around in Quebec with a Porsche, they think you are some kind of big shot and throw trash in your car, should also have a roof on your car, that helps with the trash problem little bit, but point is - getting the Ferrari back and getting rid of the Porsche.


Rest of the money I would just keep on my account and use it to live, pay bills, buy clothes etc - normal stuff.


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You had a shit luck in lottery...and then the Mag disappeared. But don't worry, I also having trouble with winning this thing, I think I never won there either. I guess having lack of luck doesn't distracts Fabio from performing good anyway, so who even cares about the lottery, right? 



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