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Jasper Canmore Biography [1/2]


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Player Information

Username:  @Bushito
Full Name: Jasper Canmore
Position: Center
Jersey Number: 15
Height (inches): 80
Weight (lbs.): 250
Birthplace: Edmonton Alberta


Jasper was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Tyler and Jamie Canmore. Jasper's father Ken works in Alberta's oil industry as a superintendent and his mother Jamie a massage therapist. Jasper grew up in a middle class family and experienced many sports as a child, something his father insisted upon. By the age of ten hockey had taken over Jasper's life and it was his obsession.
By the time Jasper was set to enter the Western Hockey League (WHL) entry draft he was borderline on weather he would make it or not and as the draft came and went it was clear he didn't make the grade and he went undrafted. Jasper's next move was to try and get himself onto an Alberta Junior Hockey League team. Jasper settled on the Fort McMurray Oil Barons as his new team and played there until he was seventeen years old.
Image result for oil barons
Western Hockey League
Jasper's Western Hockey League career started as many other young prospects, on the forth line trying to earn his playing time. While it was not a profound impact he made on the score sheets, Jasper did serve to eat up minutes as an insurance policy for the Calgary Hitmen star players. The seventeen year old Canmore was a big kid that put the fear into opposing players when he was on the ice. Only scoring six goals and twelve assists in his first season was nothing to write home about but with his goal of playing in the Western Hockey League realized and his spot on the team secure it was a very happy time in the Canmore household.
Jasper had a great start to his second season, earning a spot in the Hitmen top six due to some injuries. It was an unexpected offensive punch that was added to the Hitmen top six as Canmore managed to put up seventeen goals and twenty five assists in the first half of the season before injured players started returning. Jasper thought with his production from the second line there was no way he'd be designated back down to the bottom six for the Oil Hitmen but that's exactly what happened. Being unhappy being back in the tough guy role Canmore took many penalties and even managed to get himself suspended close to the end of the season for two handing an opponent across the back of the legs. Jasper has always played with passion which has led to discipline problems throughout his junior career.
Image result for getzlaf hitmen
After being tagged as a problem by scouts Canmore was overlooked completely in the National Hockey League draft. As it stands the goaltender of the Calgary Wranglers is a personal friend of Canmore and he decided to sign with the team and join his friend. Although Calgary is not a top team in the league they do have an up and coming roster. Canmore is also very excited to play with one of his favorite players Motherfucker Sharpe, the big bruising forward that can show Canmore the power forward role. Canmore hopes to be a future leader on the team and help take the team to a playoff appearance very soon.
Player Review
Skating: Canmore was once one of the best skaters in the Western Hockey League. It remains to be seen whether or not he can be one of the best in the VHLM or not yet but he has the scouts talking with his early workouts in the league thus far. With Canmore's size and his long stride it's no wonder he can cover the ice at such great speeds.
Size: At six foot eight and two hundred and fifty pounds, Canmore is one large intimidating force when it comes to even the power forwards of the league. He can skate, he can score but it it his bruising size that has most opponents shaking in their skates. Not the man you want to fight with in the VHLM, Canmore already has a reputation of being one of the toughest customers in this league. 
Work Ethic: Sleep, practice, gym, sleep, practice, gym is all this guy ever does. Canmore wants to take home trophies and break records. The only way he knows how, to just plain outwork his competition. At the rate this kid is improving he'll be a starter in the pro's very soon. It's Canmore's lead by example attitude that has been ingrained in the young man since childhood that keep him working harder than anyone else on any team he has ever played for.
Discipline: Canmore has always had a temper and it has got the best of him on many occasions. While this is an area of the youngsters game that is improving, he still has the tendency to fly off the handle when protecting teammates. Nobody will forget Canmore "ACCIDENTALLY" punching a linesman in his Western Hockey League days.
Defense: You'd think with the size, reach and stride of Canmore he would be a great defensive forward. It's not for a lack of trying as the big man has been making the moves to become a great power forward in the league. The training to become an effective power forward in the league does take time and the defensive game is a big part of that, look for Canmore to be one of the better defensive forwards come his professional days.
Face Off: As a center you'd think Canmore would be more focused on his face-off ability but in the juniors he seems to think it is an attribute that he doesn't quite need to hone in and perfect yet and something that can be worked on as the season goes on. While it may hurt his team to start the season it should be fine as the season progresses and Canmore figures out his training regimen.
Favorite Player: Motherfucker Sharpe
Least Favorite Player: Ko Kane
Artist/Band: Anything that can get me pumped up for a workout.
Food: Steak and potatoes
Favorite Beer: Alexander Keith's
Other Sports: NFL Football
Edited by Bushito
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