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Claimed:Interview: Hello Mr. Konstantin Azhishchenkov


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     This is Cap bringing you a recent interview I had with a young ice hockey prospect. I finally go to sit down with the shy Ottawa Lynx Captain, Konstantin Azhishchenkov. He has tried to avoid media attention, however he allowed us to interview him at his coach’s request.


(Konstantin’s answers are translated from Russian.)


1)   First off, son, why have you been avoiding the media?


Well I usually do not have much to say, Cap. I simply go out on the ice and play my best. Plus I do not like cameras flashing in my face. I do, however, give some quotes after games and practice only because my coach tells me I should. I would prefer not to.


2)   That is understandable. How do you like being the captain and one of the top point producers on the team?


Being the Captain of such a storied franchise like Ottawa is truly an honor. I could not ask for more support from Mr. Gow and my teammates. As for being one of the top point producers on the team, I could honestly care less about it. My goal is to help my team produce wins. Unfortunately, we are having trouble doing so, but I firmly believe that ice hockey is a team sport, and therefore individual stats have little if any meaning at all.


3)   That is quite humble of you Mr. Azhishchenkov. Going off the whole team aspect, what do you think of your teammates?


I could not ask for better teammates. Mr. Gow has been bringing in many new faces in hopes of making a playoff run, and it has been quite exciting in the locker room to see who will join us. In the locker room, we are one big family. Even if we get separated when draft time comes, I will definitely remember and cherish the time I spent with them here in Ottawa.


4)   That is very heartwarming Konstantin. Talking about your future, where do you see yourself going in this upcoming draft?


Honestly, I do not pay attention to the draft. I hear from my teammates, coaches, and family that there is a lot of hype surrounding me, but I do my best to solely focus on the next game. My goal is to get my team to the playoffs and then hopefully win the cup. However, I have been contacted my a couple of teams asking me about my thoughts about being drafted. I simply told them that if they draft me, I will play my hardest and do the best that I can with them.


5)   Ah, since you mentioned your family, what does your family think of your current play and your career plans


My parents have attended every home game of mine and have expressed to me that they are deeply involved in the VHLM. My brother, Mikhail, has been really helpful. He has mentored me, and he has shown me ways to improve my game. My sister, Maria, seems to enjoy poking fun at me and likes to talk about the sad parts of my game, which is quite unnerving.


6)   Interesting. How has your English improved with your time in Ottawa? I know that this has been a constant issue with you since moving to the United States.


My English is still awful as you can tell by this interview being conducted in Russian. However, Ottawa has actually improved my French. For some reason, French is much easier for me to learn than English.


7)   That is quite odd Konstantin. So my final question: Do you plan to have any more interviews with me or any other media outlets?


Honestly, no, but I do not think I have that much of a choice on this subject, and therefore will probably have another interview down the road.


     My first interview with Mr. Azhishchenkov has ended, and it was definitely an interesting one. Maybe I will be able to have another interview with Konstantin before he moves on to the next level.



Edited by d3vilsfire
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CONTENT 3/3 - It should be interesting to see how your player's future (refuse to spell the last name) unfolds. I also enjoyed the fact that you emphasized the language barrier your player is encountering. It adds a great sense of realism to the article. 


Grammar 2/2 - Just some minor comma issues, but nothing major to dock you on.


however - however,

therefore - therefore, 

my a - by a


Appearance 1/1 - Sure

Total and final grade: 6/6
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