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When you have been in the league for as long as I have, you might feel bit jaded when the day to day life of a professional athlete has lost some of the excitement it used to have. I´m in that situation now personally, getting close to retirement, but still got quite few games left and when mental side of the game plays massive part on your chances of playing well on individual level - I decided to do something interesting to spark some excitement and positive feeling into the daily routines:


The first thing I did was buying a shirt from internet. I got it yesterday and unfortunately it´s too small. Hard to find shirts that actually fit you when it feels like most sites and their sizes are completely different between each other. Does not help that I have fairly wide shoulders.


Second thing was Pepsi max. I went into the local supermarket and bought six cans, now drinking ice cold Pepsi when typing this article. Must admit it tastes nice, been a while since I had Pepsi the last time. Thought now is a good moment to start drinking Pepsi actively when I can almost taste the retirement.


Now after I have done those things, I don´t feel too different in all honesty. Feel bad for spending money on shirt that does not really fit, but at least the Pepsi is good.

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4 minutes ago, Exlaxchronicles said:

Do a good deed for someone by gifting the shirt. And do a good deed for yourself by replacing that six pack with a six pack of the alcoholic kind.:draper110:

What if I buy another shirt after drinking the six pack of alcohol? Then give the new shirt away as well, buy another six pack = vicious cycle.

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