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Claimed: Otto's Homework [1/2]


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Being called into my former general managers' office last week put me into a state of anxiety and fear, so this week when I was called into my new coaches office I was scared, to say the least. The same warm rush of blood crept onto my face as I started nervously perspiring, my feet felt like anchors as I forced myself down the hall and towards the coaching offices of the facility. I thought for sure that everyone in a two-mile radius could hear my heart hammering against my chest. I have not been playing great since I got shipped from the Wild to the Aces and I knew I was about to get benched or worse, "can a team ship me back like a defective part" I asked myself in my head. I came to the door to the coaches office which pulled me from my daydreaming, my greasy hand fumbled with the doorknob, I was in no hurry to enter this room and discover my fate. Ominously, the old wooden door creaked open revealing a room that was dark except for an old lamp that sat upon an old wooden desk. I had a coach one time tell me that mood lighting was key to all interactions between people; the dark and foreboding nature of the singular incandescent bulb sent my anxiety into high alert as I struggled not to faint. 




"Otto, you look terrified, have a seat before you fall over please" boomed out the coach. I was shocked as he looked genuinely concerned for me, perhaps he was not about to "tear me a new asshole" or whatever it was that McDragon had told me I was in for. "Son, you should relax. I didn't call you here to make you feel bad, I want to make sure everything is ok with you" the coach said in a much more gentle tone.


I was able to convince myself to relax a tiny bit, "what do you mean am I ok" I questioned of my coach. 


"Are you fitting in alright? Is anybody giving you a hard time? Do you not like my coaching? I just want to see if we can't work together to bust this slump you seem to be in since becoming an Ace".


Finally, I was able to ease my nerves. "uh, well... I don't know coach. I feel like I was supposed to be a big part of this team and so far I have let everyone down. I don't know what to do, I feel like the more I try to do the worse I play".


Coach smiled and said "well naturally Otto, you're a competitor and you want to win. You gotta stop putting so much pressure on yourself and just let the game come to you though. I have been looking over a few things and I have some things that I need you to work on over the next few weeks. I have some drills that we can do together as well to get your skating and positioning better, can you handle this Otto"?


"Oh for sure coach, I really want to help us win and I will do whatever you need. Thank you for believing in me, I had kind of lost my way the last few weeks. You will see a new Otto very soon"! I proclaimed as took the binder from his hands and rushed out of the room, filled with excitement.

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  • 2 months later...


A solid write-up! Otto's been a pretty good player. It's too bad that nobody is reviewing anymore, so I'm just officializing this right now. ;)

"The more I try, the worse I play." - Sometimes you just have to take it easy.

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