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Its not very often that you get a player that joins the league in the sole hope to become one of the best passers in the game. Most of the time, these players are focused on scoring, or just being defensive beasts, however in the case of Mikhail Vega, his goal is to become the most elite playmaker the league has ever seen, and in ten games, he's not doing too bad. With 8 points in 10 games, he has tallied a total of 3 goals and 5 assists, living up to the name of being that playmaker the team desires. 


Now the age old question is being asked...will iRockstar as an agent be able to maintain the pace he's picked up here in the VHL and the VHLM or will he fade away like he previously had. Some people have speculated that he is going to flake off again, however some have their faith and will continue to watch him grow. If the VHLM seasons can prove to be strong for IR, it may keep him active however it's if his client slips that he may see some decline in his activity. Only true time will tell if he will be successful once again, in a place many years ago, he called home. 

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