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Claimed: Janis Ozolins rookie profile [1/2]


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Janis Ozolins - RW - Latvia




Janis Ozolins (born 15 September 1999) is a Right Winger from Riga, Latvia. He is 6'5" tall and he weights 206 pounds.


Ozolins began playing hockey at four years old and he initially played as a centre. Urged by his coach, Janis permanently switched to Right Wing when he was 11. Ozolins left school at 15 to focus on becoming a professional hockey player and become the best Right Winger in the world.


Ozolins is slowly becoming the best attacking prospect in the Latvian Hockey League. He’s a big-bodied scoring threat with a devastatingly accurate wrist shot. He scored 20 goals in just 30 games to become the leagues leading goal scorer last season. Janis hopes to follow the footsteps of his countrymen Sandis Ozolins and Arturs Irbe in becoming one of the best hockey players in the world. Janis’s playing style has been compared to NHL stars Alexander Ovechkin, Patrik Laine and Steven Stamkos


Pros :


1) His goal scoring ability is undoubtedly Ozolins's biggest strength. Latvian Hockey analyst Raimonds Berzins has said: "He can shoot from anywhere. His shot is elite." Ozolins’s wrist shot is precise and quick, and his slap shot hits like a freight train. Ozolins has the potential to become one of the best goal scorers in the game.


2) Ozolins has a great skating ability for his size. Anyone who has ever seen him play has likely seen how much open ice Janis generates before ripping a one-timer or taking a snap shot. His skating ability greatly compliments his scoring and he can create scoring chances for himself. His skating allows him to go zone-to-zone in a hurry.


3) Ozolins possesses great hockey IQ for his age. Janis was raised in a hockey family. His single father and his two older brothers played hockey professionally before Ozolins. Hockey has been around him all his life and he has developed a great knowledge of the game. Janis is able to read plays before they even happen and he can always find the best way to become open.


Cons :

1) Ozolins does not shy away from the physical game, but he isn't a highly aggressive player defensively (despite excellent size) either. He is strong, but could stand to add more aggression to his game. 

2) His defensive ability is far from great. He should use his  size more frequently so as to become more intimidating to play against. Spends too much energy in the offensive zone and therefore slacks on the defence. Ozolins should work on his defensive ability to become a great two-way player.

3) Ozolins lacks a bit of discipline, on and off the ice. Tends to take bad penalties and be a bit rude to the media. He is tough to work with which could potentially be a huge obstacle in his development.



Janis Ozolins might still be young and inexperienced, but he has great potential and determination to become one of the best hockey players in the world. He is a natural goal scorer and a good skater who lacks aggression, physicality and discipline. 


Edited by sencitis
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