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Yukon's season falls apart in embarrassing fashion [Incomplete]


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As the VHLM season and playoffs come to a close, I'd like to congratulate our champions, the heavily favored Yuko- wait, Oslo won?


Yes you heard it correctly folks, the Oslo Storm cap off the underdog story of dreams, taking out the Yukon Rush in 5 games. After Yukon capped off an absolutely dominating regular season going 62-8-2, the Rush faced the LVA in round 1. It's clear that the Rush came into the postseason as the favorites to win it all, after dominating regular season performances from Leph Twinger, Centis Kurtutecis, and Sergei Kovalev. On defense they boast a very respectable blue line with Alvaro Jokinen, Billy Pilgrim, Cayden Saint and Shawn Glade rounding out the top 4. In net they have two great goalies in Johnny Havenk and Greg Santos.


Round 1 for the Rush ended as quickly as it came, beating out LVA in 5 games to face the winner of Oslo-Ottawa. The Oslo Storm took that one in convincing fashion amidst a lineup scandal. The Rush and Storm split games 1 & 2 however Games 3 & 4 caused problems, overwriting the first two games. This obviously called for a re-sim, which resulted in Oslo taking a stranglehold on the series, 3-1. However the Storm took Game 5 early, with Yukon's Shawn Glade scoring the game's opener, but the Storm would answer with 3 goals in the first. Oslo carried that momentum into the second period, going up 5-1 before Leph Twinger and Vesto Slipher answered for Yukon. The Rush were dominating play in the third but Oslo's Rauno Palo dashed Yukon's hopes of a comeback, by making it 6-3 in the third, and winning the Founder's Cup. The Cup winning goal was scored by Mikka Pajari, scoring his first goal of the postseason, and was assisted by Shane Appelle who tallied his first playoff point on the goal.


Yukon has a lot of questions to answer now, with a good chunk of their roster leaving to play in the VHL next season. However there is one looming question: Why didn't Yukon starter Johnny Havenk play any games in the playoffs?

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Yukon's season falls apart in embarrassing fashion [Incomplete]

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