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Hi there!


As you probably don't know, I've been handling the updates of the VHL Portal main page for the last few weeks. Basically, I'm here to ensure that we keep fresh content up on what is quickly becoming the face of the league to all of the newcomers, and not have it at the point where the only thing up there is a trade thread from two seasons ago.


So, do you want your work to be featured on the portal? Here's an idea of what I'm looking for when I decide what goes up.


League-based work: I know that personal media spots like interviews or diaries are the best way to acclimate yourselves to how the league works, but I'm not featuring any of those. I'm sticking to stuff that talks about either of the leagues as a whole, or at the very least goes in-depth on a team. This is the biggest criterion I use when going through the league.


- Well-designed pieces: After the first piece, I'm probably going to focus more on how the work actually looks, both in form and function. Is it written well? Is it formatted properly? Does it look nice? At this point I don't have a whole lot to discriminate against, but in the future this is the kind of thing I'm going to be looking for.


Originality: If I'm still having trouble deciding, I'm probably going to go with the most original work. Way back in the early days of the league, this was actually a point for grading media spots. Eventually, when we realized that you can only write the same few pieces over and over again, we did away with that so as not to punish people for writing in a league that lasted as long as the VHL has. It's still nice to feature some original work, though, so I'll do it when I have the chance.

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