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Jorgon Weyed - Radio Spot [1/2]


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VHLM Radio AM440


Good morning hockey fans. I'm Alex Mayweather and this is VHLM Rafio. Today we are talking to Las Vegas Aces rookie Jorgon Weyed.


Host: Jorgon, what made you decide to sign with the second place Aces?


Jorgon: Well Alex, after spending a lot of time talking with the Assistant GM, about the teams goals, where I might fit in and the role they wanted me in. It seemed like the perfect fit. There was lots of room for me to grow in my position, lots of up and coming talent for me to play with and most importantly a young and fresh management group with a strong desire to win.


H: You've had a quiet start to the season. 8 games, no points and -3 overall. What do you expect from yourself moving forward?


J: It hasn't been my best start, but i think you are missing an integral part of my game. I've had 10 hits in that time. I'm known for throwing my body around and disrupting play. I think I've done that part quite well, however I am itching to get on the scoreboard. I've been spending a lot of time off ice in the weight room and working with trainers to hone my shot and work on my passing as well. I know my coach is happy with my effort on and off the ice and I plan to keep grinding each and every day until I am one of the top preformers in the league.


H: I know you had roots in football growing up. What made you decide to persue hockey over football?


J: My dad was a football player when I was young and I had every intention of following in his footsteps, but once I saw hockey being played for the first time, I knew that this was the sport for me. The speed, aggressiveness and over energy I felt won me over and I've never looked back. I still feel some of the lessons I learned playing football helped me with hockey, like defensive positioning and seeing the gaps in the offense.


H: I know being a rookie can be tough, how has the team reached out to you to make you feelore comfortable with the new environment?


J: I spent a lot of time talking with the Assistant GM before and after I signed. He's been a great resource coming into the league and the new team. A few of the guys took me out to dinner after our first practice. It was great to get to get to know them on a more laid-back level. I find that can be a great way to integrate yourself and build some on ice chemistry as well. Also the assistant equipment manager went to my high school, so that was great to see familiar face.


H: Last question before you go, what's your favourite kind of pizza?


J:  That's an easy one, Canadian for sure. Probably add a ton of hot sauce, but Canadian every time.


H: Jorgon, thanks again for coming on to the show. I know I'm looking forward to what you can accomplish and seeing where your career takes you.


For VMHL Radio I'm Alex Mayweather,reminding you to keep your stick on the ice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Review: Few grammar mistakes but in a whole I like the very natural style of storyline you put in here like the hockey over football and all that. Seems something relatable to some players out there.

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