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If you think that Nice Robbie is dead, then you are sadly mistaken. I am still here. I just don’t have time to come around and push my “niceness” you should be thanking me for keeping assholic egomaniac Robbie off of here. It’s a hard job because when he gets bored he posts shit that generally pisses people off.


Fuck you “Nice Robbie” That actually in fact that was a pretty assholic thing to say. Why would you put niceness in quotes? If you are nice then say nice and not “nice” that’s like saying something is “free” you are a gimmick and you are pretty much dead. I on the other hand will be here till the last day of Orion Slade. Why? Because I am not a gimmick. I just am.


Just am? Who are you? Terminator? Will you be back? Do you want me to get to the chopper?... wait no. GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!! GET DOWN!!!!  This whole egomaniac thing has run out of steam, it’s about time we kill Robbie the original version. I am 2.0, I am better. Sure it maybe creepy to have a nice Robbie because everyone sees me as an asshole but they will get used to it. They will never get used to you. That is why you are leaving. Maybe just leave overall and I will stay.


I don’t want them to get used to it. I am who I am. I am the fucking Terminator because I just go around and fuck shit up. The end days are here. You’re T-1000 and I am here to fucking stop you. Come at me bro and we will finally see who the true Robbie is.


Um you are the evil one. That would make you T-1000 get your movie facts straight bro. Plus since I am the nice one I don’t look for fights. I am nice guy, I don’t need to fight you to prove to you that I am better then you. All I have to do is let you come out and play more. Show everyone that they would prefer me over you. You will be voted out of here and I will stay.


Voted out? This isn’t survivor, this isn’t politics. This is a fucking gimmick. A gimmick that I will kill because I am legit bored by it. So say your last words my boring friend. They will be the last ones you ever speak. You legit make me yawn when you try to make a point. I don’t bore people. Sure I annoy them, but that is intentional, but when they see you speak it’s like wow Robbie has become dull as fuck, where is the Robbie wit? Where is the asshole that we know and not this asshole we don’t


Try to destroy me. Just try it. You will soon realize that I will not go into the night. I am here to stay so get used to it. I am that little angel on your shoulder. The good guy who tells you good things to do. You just chose not to listen.


Good angel? Don’t make me laugh. If this is true where’s the other guy. You know the fucking DEVIL ROBBIE?




RIGHT HERE!!!!!...

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