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Who Knew A Bubble Tea Shop Was Fun? [1/2]


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Who Knew A Bubble Tea Shop Was Fun?


It was a late practice and we were playing Halifax tomorrow so when I had gone back to my hotel, for some reason I felt like something sweet and cooling. So I went to this place that my Tzuyu always talked about on her instagram, some local bubble tea shop that she frequented when she was in the area. Yes I followed her Instagram. I mean who wouldn’t? She was hot and she was a star in the VHLM and well…yeah hard not to follow her.




So there I am drinking an Okinawa milk tea, which was surprisingly refreshing, cool with hints of brown sugar and the smoothness of a milk tea. Not bad I thought. The bigger thing here for me was that it was a great spot for people watching. Honestly I’m not sure why I didn’t come here earlier. This place had a special vibe and a lot of very attractive people. Not Slovenians but hey I can make do.


I’m a guy first and foremost, so I’m looking around and checking them out, but not in a creep way I think. Plenty of Asians for sure but then low and behold I saw Tzuyu. Of all the damn times I had to visit this place, she was here too.


She looked great as usual. I mean she was some kind of pop idol from overseas anyways so I figure she had to at least look the part. She was wearing a white blouse, that was light and feathery and what amounted to be a short summer dress it seemed like. Yeah… people were definitely looking at her. Guys and girls alike, probably jealously too I gather as she spotted me and waved at me before coming over to sit near to me while we were at the drink bar.


“Hey Kastelic right?”


“Tzuyu right? Hey nice recommendation on the place. I kinda like this haha.”


In this kind of situation though, I’m normally pretty introverted. I’ve been to bars enough so that I’d just kind of hang out there and not need to talk much to random people next to me. But this was different, Tzuyu and I had been playing against each other several times now and we were well aware of whom each of us played for, but I mean being both pro athletes, I think it just helped connect us together easier. We just begin jabbering away like old friends.


You know, at this point it’s hard not to notice how beautiful she is, I’ve never really seen her without her gear on the ice or in game or just in a non-hockey environment. I start to get drawn in by her eyes especially as we’re just kind of rambling about our lives and it kind of got to the point where I was really only just responding with things that I think probably sounded stupid.


Like how I think she is too good for hockey. Like how she is too good looking to get all scarred up from playing. Just generally random stupid things that she laughed at for no good reason to be honest. After seemingly like forever about us gradually revealing my prior history she proceeds to ask If I’ve been seeing anyone. Her surprise showed when I said I wasn’t.


“Well maybe if you weren’t only in 5th place, someone would’ve wanted to claim you already.” She teased.


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“Wow…that’s just underhanded. You’re lucky I’m a gentleman and I’ll wait to settle this on the ice.” I countered.


She laughed as I tell her I’ve just been too busy and haven’t really met anyone. Maybe until now I thought to myself.


I’m no stranger to women, it wasn’t my first rodeo for certain but something about this all made me feel like a kid again. She flipped her hair and was laughing and leaning in close to me to talk. I was basically squeezing my leg, didn’t want to do anything that could be misconstrued as harassment given how seriously the league was protecting her from it as part of the agreement and all. I do kind of lean towards her as well though and she doesn’t back away.


At this point I’m leaning even closer towards her and she is turning her body to me. At some point I think we’re shoulder to shoulder and she is still moving towards me, trapping my hand between my right leg and her left thigh. I can’t help but try and sneak a look down and notice that the blouse has parted somewhat (not even sure how that happened to be honest). I can definitely see the cleavage now and she’s whispering to me how interesting it has been to meet me and I mumble something along the lines of “yeah me too” though I’m basically paraphrasing since I can’t even remember the words. Her head lowers a bit and her hair basically is what I get a whiff of as she looks around. Boy she smells good.


This is like being in high school again and I’ve basically lost track of my surroundings at this time.  She looked back up to me and I can feel us edging towards each other and those lips look delicious, I just want to feel them…


“Oh shit is that Tzuyu?”


God whomever said that I felt Like I wanted to just put them through the glass right now.


(Like really… SON OF A BITCH)


Tzuyu jumps a bit with a start and pulls away now at this moment as she looks around to see who has spotted her.




She’s laughing now as she see that fans have started to spot her. She looks up at me and tilts her head a bit and gives me a fake safe face. She is way too cute now and I can only just sigh in despair as she hops off the bar chair as the crowd of fans have finally started converging on our spot. She evades them, like how she evades the guys on the ice, and she’s laughing and smiling as she runs out the door. Leaving me to my thoughts.




Image result for tzuyu



(1040 words)




To be continued….?



Edited by tfong
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