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The comparision?!?!


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So today I was like you know what, I wanna write a fan 590 and see how it goes. Cause I usually do cards this was something different for me. I began getting all the information for the fan 590 then realized, this is going to be way more than a 150 words. Hell I mid-aswell write a media spot about the topic I was doing. The media spot is "Rafter and Jones;The Comparison", and now I am thinking hey this is a good idea, I took an old retired player and compared him with a new young player that has had a similar career thus far. I could potentially turn this into a every week media spot taking all sorts of different players from season one to season thirty-six and so on. But its very obvious, my grammar is shit and I will most likely get docked heavily for grammar, but if I do get a six or maybe even a five. I will do another one next week.


170 words.

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