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Meme Graphics


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Why hello there I’m back for my weekly round of 2 tpe.


ahem so let’s get started. What I will be talking about today is a topic very dear to me, memes.


*Oh boy not this shit again*


I think memes should be accepted as graphics for 6 tpe. They say a picture says 1000 words. Well a meme says 10000. Memes and shit posting are what the internet is made up of. If not for memes Facebook and Instagram would be dead. Not to mention @pennypenny would not even be alive. Memes are honestly worth more than a mere 6 tpe but we can settle at 6. Memes take just as much time as a graphic but they have meaning. Regular people can not understand what memes are actually saying. Memes have multiple meanings, hidden messages, answers to the worlds unasnwered questions, and much more. So I think it’s time we stop the segregation of memers and allow for us to claim 6 tpe for an original vhl related meme for our point task.

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