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Jose Gonzalez on his lack of improvement.

Jose Gonzalez

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Jose Gonzalez was an extremely exciting prospect when he was first drafted into the VHL. However, soon after he joined the league he stopped growing as a player. He is now a extremely unimportant piece of HC Davos Dynamo. This is a sharp turn from fighting in and out of the top 5 in the VHL draft just 2 seasons ago. If anybody is surprised by this it maybe Jose himself as he was excited to go into the VHL, and even scored himself a job working on the media team. However the media team fell apart and soon after Jose was gone. We have been the first to talk to him since he was drafted, and here are some of the highlights of the interview.


Media- So what has happened to cause this lack of development?


Jose- I don't know, I have become complacent and simply haven't had time to work on my development.


Media- Do you hope to begin developing again soon?


Jose- I am planning to develop again. The last month has been absolutely crazy, and I should be able to get back on track. I am scared that I will never be at the level of my draft-mates.


Media- Are you happy to have become an extremely unimportant piece in a team?


Jose- I don’t think anyone would ever be happy about become an unimportant piece, but I do plan on improving and maybe making the trade that put me here look like the worst trade in VHL history.


Media- Has anything changed in you since you have stopped developing, or are you the same fighting spirit that you were when you went quiet?


Jose- I would like to imagine that I am the same, but when you stop for so long you may never recover and I am worried that I have forever ruined my career.


Media- Is there any event that has motivated you to come back?


Jose- No I just finally realized that I have the time to do this, and I am not an important piece in the league anymore. My main goal when I was a kid was to become an important piece in whatever team I ended up in. I guess that goal is over…


Media- Do you miss playing in Vegas at all?


Jose- Yea of course I miss Vegas, but missing a city does not excuse my failure to do anything over the last few months.


Media- Is there anything you hope to do over this next season?

Jose- I just want to be looked at as important again. I am extremely upset at myself for letting myself go, and this will be the last time this happens. I mean I was drafted higher than Alexander Pepper. Who would of expected this sharp of a turn right after the biggest moment in any young players career. I certainly didn’t. I guess that might be one of the reasons I am in the situation I am in now I got complacent.


Media- Well Jose, good luck getting yourself back on track, and I will hopefully talk to you again soon.


Jose- Great being on and I hope to on again.

Edited by Jose Gonzalez
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44 minutes ago, Fire Hakstol said:

@Jose Gonzalez You  can miss a season or two and still make a decent player in this league - see my last player, Jeff Gow. I started off strong but missed 1.5-2 seasons of development.

Look at my current guy. I haven't been gone but I'm never likely to TPE whore anymore, so where my guy currently is, isn't farther along than where Gonzalez can be with a few seasons of near his old rate.

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