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The Youngster's View: First Practice


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We sat down once again with Vegas Aces Goalie Joe Nixon, fresh out the VHLM draft coming from Pittsburgh to do our weekly segment in which we've been dubbing "The Youngster's View"!


Today, I wanted to get some insight on what it's like for a new player to walk out onto that practice ice with the team for the first time and how they feel overall about how they're performing with those early-practice jitters. "It was weird at first, for sure" Nixon told me on Tuesday evening, "Sometimes I had felt nervous, even just in practice, because obviously I'm trying to make a good impression on the coaches and everyone. It's a lot of pressure for a young guy but I like to think that I handled it well."


I asked Nixon how he felt now that he's got a few more practices under his belt and they're looking forward to some of the games starting up soon. Nixon told me, "I feel better, I'm in the rhythm, I've met my teammates and started the whole team bonding process, I'm comfortable." Nixon assured, "The team has good chemistry and we're able to execute plays exactly how we should!"


Nixon looks forward to the upcoming season a lot, saying "The team looks good! I feel good, and I'm confident I could get some icetime! All in all, I'm just excited. I want to play games for real and get out on the ice in this beautiful jersey in front of that crowd. It'll be an amazing atmosphere."


Thanks to Joe Nixon for sitting down with us again! Looking forward to talking to him again next week! We here at VHL.com share the same excitement in looking forward to the season!

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