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Another week, another article in order to get my sweet uncapped TPE. Could totally hit the cap without this by just using trivia but that wouldn’t be as lucrative now would it?


Anyway, this week I wanted to chat about our backup rule. You know, that thing that makes it so that goalies shouldn’t start more than 64 games in a season because the backup is supposed to start 8.


I bring this up because there hasn’t been some discussion in the BOG about it and I want to see some member’s opinions. We discussed removing the rule (with the logic that a decent GM will give a human backup some starts anyway) but I don’t love that idea as it kinda gives advantage to not having a human backup. We also discussed increasing the amount of games required (or rather putting a minimum starts instead of a maximum) but I don’t really love that either because those teams without a backup end up getting screwed extra hard by the CPU’s. Personally I think we need to leave it at 8 but have proper punishment (which hasn’t really been happening) for going over.


Anyway, I don’t remember why the rule was brought in but it usually just meant CPU goalies getting some games since we never really had backups. Now, however, there is such a goalie surge that backups are a very real possibility so things may need to change on this front. Do you think the rule is dumb or just ill-enforced? Should it be changed / amended? Removed? I’m interested in the conversation, especially from some of our young goalies.

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I think it's a good start but I feel like teams will just play their backup the last 8 games of the season, when most of the contenders are already clinched into playoffs. 

  • Commissioner
16 minutes ago, Beaviss said:

IMO its unnecessary most Goalies don't want to sit one game let alone 80% of a season. 

That’s fine to say (though I’m confused by the 80% figure, do you mean over a full career?) with a CPU backup but more and more teams have human backups. So those backups without this rule could theoretically be playing 0 games. How’s that fair or reasonable?

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